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For the operation of public schools to be transferred <br />to School funds and expended only on order of the <br />School Board as follows: <br /> <br />17a. Administration ~52,912.00~ <br />l?b. Insturction 2~228, 31~.00- <br />ltd. Transportation, et. Replacement of buses <br /> and other Auxiliary Agencies 263~15~.00~. <br />17e. Operation & i4aintenance of plant <br /> 293 ~21.00~. <br />17f. Fixed Charges !8,1~5.00 - <br />19. Capital Outlay <br /> 0.00 <br />19c. Construction Fund <br />20. ~ebt Fund 1~500;000°00~ <br /> <br />Scholarship Fund <br /> <br />0.00 <br /> <br />And be it further resolved, by t~ Board of Supervisors of <br />Chesterfield County, Virginia, that the foliowin~.~ appropriations be <br />and they hereby are made for the months of October, November and <br />December, 1966, from the corresponding funds and for the functions <br />or purposes indicated: <br /> <br />Sewer: <br /> <br />Ettrick Operating Fund <br />Ettrick Debt Fund <br />Ettrick ~onstruction Fund <br /> <br />County Garage Fund <br />Bog Tax Fund <br />Road Fund <br /> <br />$ 7,000.O0~ <br /> 5,000.O0 <br /> 0.00 <br /> <br />25;000.O0~ <br /> 8,.000.00 <br /> 0.00 <br /> <br />iOF. Operating $100,0OO.OO ~ <br />1OL. Debt 0.00 <br />t9G. Corstruc tion 0.00 <br />19H. Bond 0.00 <br />19J. Service & Installation 50~000.00~ <br />19K. Improvement, Replacem~ & F~tension 0.00 <br /> <br />Water: <br />iOE. Operating 100,000.00 ~ <br />lOG. Debt 2OO; O00.00 ~ <br />lOJ. Improvement, Replacement & E~[tensions 1,O00,000.00~ <br />19D. Bond 0.00 <br />19E. ~or~t ru ct ion 100~ 000.00' <br />1.9F. Meter Installation 100, O00.00 ~ <br /> <br />Total Appropriations: <br /> <br />~7,222,221.00 V~.,' <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Britton, it is resolved ~>hat this Board <br />approves the request of the Treasurer, Mr. George W. Moore, Jr. ,to transfer the sum: <br />of $1039.22 from salaries for permanent employees to salaries for temporary emptoye~s, <br />and for an additional appropriation of $1700.0~o permanent employees, one-half <br />of which is to bepaid by the State. <br />And be it further resolved, that the Treasrer is hereby authorized to make said <br />transfers. <br /> <br />n motion~of Mr.Apperson, seconded by Mr. Britton, it is resolved that the sum of <br />3000.OOfbe appropriated from the unappropriated from the unappropriated surplus <br />of the General Fund to Item &a in the County's budget. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Britton, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the report <br />of the Circuit ~ourt Clerk showing receipts and e~penses for the calendar year <br />of 1965 be received and published according to law. <br /> <br />On mgtion of Mr. Aoperson, seconded by Mr.Britton, it is resolved that the following <br />erroneous tax claims be and they hereby are anproved for payment: <br /> <br /> Wm. W.Schaeffner & Refund 1966 County motor <br /> D~r~.s Schaffner vehicle license $10.O0 <br /> 4632 Ferguson Lane <br /> Richmond, Virginia <br /> <br /> Martin A.Masi Refund 1966 Co. motor vehicle <br /> Rt. #2, Box 532 license 10. O0 <br /> Chester, Virginia <br /> <br /> <br />