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03-14-1984 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
03-14-1984 Minutes
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Board of Supervisors
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Government areas of administration, assessment and collections, <br />administration of justice, public safety, human services, <br />community development, sanitation and registrar. <br /> <br />Mr. Ramsey stated the County anticipates receiving $2,438,600 for <br />FY 84-85 in Revenue Sharing Funds and explained the breakdown <br />recommended for these funds. He reviewed the budgets for the <br />County Garage, the Airport, the Nursing Home and Utilities. He <br />outlined the major cost items for FY 84-85. He reviewed the <br />Capital Improvements Program for 1984 recommended to be funded <br />from the General Fund. <br /> <br />Dr. Howard O. Sullins, School Superintendent, was present and <br />reviewed the proposed School budget. He presented slides <br />indicating a five year comparison of student membership, the <br />categories for major budget increases, a five year comparison of <br />the total School budget, a five year comparison of sources of <br />funding, a review of average teachers' salaries, and a review of <br />per pupil expenditures for operations for 1982-83. <br /> <br />The Board complimented staff on the format of the proposed <br />budget and discussed the increasing costs to fund the <br />governmental services, the new employees and the funding sources, <br />the fund balance, problems with the way the School budget was <br />prepared, the wise expenditures for funding the Capital <br />Improvements Program, the possibility of supplementing the <br />Nursing Home because of payments received from Medicaid/Medicare <br />and the possibility of looking into a Nursing Home management <br />company taking over the Nursing Home, comments addressed by the <br />auditors on previous budgets regarding security of data <br />processing and the accounting departments, the increase in <br />assessments although no tax increase, assessments of aircraft <br />under the new procedure, the increase for the Circuit Court <br />Clerk's Office, the increases/decreases for the Police minority <br />recruitment program and anti-crime force, the manpower, equipment <br />and the volunteer retirement program for the Fire Department, <br />donation to the Quarterback League and the elimination of Middle <br />School football, salaries of teachers and principals, supplements <br />for teachers, the replacement of the buses, the maintenance line <br />item for schools, landfill operating costs, lease/purchase <br />agreements for facilities, the possible reduction in the School <br />budget and where decreases would come, the alternatives for <br />funding a larger budget, etc. Mr. Hedrick explained the <br />rationale for all of the recommendations in the budget for <br />various line items mentioned. <br /> <br />Mr. Applegate requested the actual figure for the increase to the <br />Circuit Court for the accounting prccess. He requested the <br />figures on a general County pay increase from 3% to 5%. Mr. <br />Daniel requested that staff reevaluate the recommendation <br />regarding the fire pumper and brush truck for the Fire <br />Department as well as air masks. He requested that staff pre <br />a statement for items which must be considered regarding <br />lease/purchase as recommended and their impact. He noted the <br />difference between the recommendation of the County and the <br />request of the School Board and inquired where the reductions <br />would occur if it remains in that form. Dr. Sullins stated the <br />majority of the increases are in salaries and instructional <br />materials and those items would be more than likely the items <br />reduced. Mr. Daniel suggested that Dr. Sullins have a plan as <br />what will be reduced at the time of the public hearing should the <br />Board approve the reduced amount. He reviewed a survey which he <br />did on salary comparisons of teachers in Chesterfield and <br />Henrico. He requested that staff prepare financial information <br />as to how the County could fund the requested School budget. He <br />stated he would like staff to also address what costs will be if <br />other items are funded, other items are reduced, etc. Mr. <br />Hedrick inquired if Mr. DanJ~el were requesting the priorities as <br />listed by staff be changed~ Mr. Daniel stated he would like to <br /> <br />84-I13 <br /> <br /> <br />
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