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$~,400,456 for grants and ~uod services with a total of <br />$i41,503,064 with the County's Share being $75,951,187. There <br />was discussion of salaries in other jurisdicticn~ debt service, <br />interest, grant funds, federal/state dollars ccmin~ to the <br />County, number of p~pils, surplus from the School system to be <br />returned to the County, f~e pa~nt$ to be made by parents for <br />the activitie~ of the children, what would be cut should the <br />County government give $2,000,000 less tha~ requested which <br />indicated to be to raise the teacher/student ratio and cut in <br />programs, salaries for teachers and administrators, etc. Mr. <br />Daniel requested that the the County include in its legislative <br />progr~al for next year, a ma%hamat~ca% ~xpre~sio~ for debt and its <br />increases. He rsquested further that the School and General <br />County accoutring systems for the budget be consistent in <br />~p0rting arrangements so that it world be more easily <br />understood. The Board ex~ressed appreciation to Dr. Sullins for <br />being present. <br /> <br />considered to the proposed budgst per indications fro~ individual <br />Board members. Mr~ S~gmaier distributed the list of additions <br />and s~btractions to the b~dge~. After considerable di~u~ion <br />wa~ generally agree~ ~hat ~taff should prepar~ a pa~er indicatin, <br /> <br />roads, schools, police, school =tossing guards, social services, <br />libraries, leaf pick-~D, Lake Chesdin Pork, Clerk ~o %he Board, <br /> <br />increase for employees. It was indicated that funding <br />should include additional revenue from the addlt~onal 1¢ <br />estate tax~ the reduction of the insuranc~ reserve, reducing the <br />capital improvements program, redu0ing =he CaDital Region Airport <br />Co~]ission contribution, r~ducing the contingency, the debt <br /> <br />On motion o~ ~r~. Girone, seconded by ~. Applegate, the Board <br />adjourned at 1O:15 ~.m. until 9:00 a.m. on March 26, <br /> <br />County Administrator <br /> <br />R. Garland I~gdd ~ <br />Chairman <br /> <br /> <br />