VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the
<br />Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield
<br />County, held at the Courthouse on January
<br />25, 1968, at 7:00 P.M.
<br />
<br />Mr. Irvin G. Horner, Chairman
<br />Mr. Herbert Browning, Vice-Chairman
<br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson
<br />Mr. F. F.. Dietsch
<br />Mr. A. R. Martin
<br />
<br />Mr. Lee R. Gordon, Comm. Atty.
<br />Mr. Howard A. Ma~ Jr., Co. Planner
<br />Mr. Robt. A. Painter, Co. Engr.
<br />Mr. M. W. Burnett, Exec. Sec'y.
<br />Mr. John E. Longmire, Asst.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Browning, seconded by Mr. Purdy,it is resolved that the minutes
<br />of December 21 and 28, 1967 and January 10, 1968 be and'they hereby are approved.
<br />
<br />67-87.
<br />
<br />Mr. Douglas Bethel, representing Boxes to Size, Inc. comes before the Board re-
<br />questing the rezoning from Residential-2 to Industrial (M) on a parcel of land of
<br />irregular shape containing 18 acres, more or less, fronting 400 feet, more or les
<br />on the north line of Kingsland Road and fronting 1350 feet, more or less, on the
<br />east right of way line of the A.C.L. Railroad right of'way, being in the north-
<br />east corner of said intersection in Bermuda Magisterial District. Refer to Sec.
<br />81-2 parcels 19 and 20, which zoning had been deferred from January 10, 1968.
<br />
<br />Mr. Bethel gives a short presentation outlining the previous arguments' supporting
<br />his request.
<br />
<br />A representative of the Seaboard-Coast Line Railroad Company speaks in general
<br />for the rezoning to Industrial of land adjacent to Railroads. Mr. Robert Mick,
<br />presented a petition signed by 32 people opposing the rezoning request.
<br />Messrs. Wheeler~ Crostic, Jones, Broach, Wilmoth, Caudle and Spivey speak in
<br />general against the proposed request.
<br />Mr. Bethel states that the Railroad cannot be moved, that traffic on the road wil
<br />be increased regardless of the location of this small plant, that the tract of
<br />land is large and the building has been designed attractively and will not hurt
<br />the area.
<br />Upon consideration Whereof, and on motion of Mr. Purdy~ seconded by Mr. Apperson,
<br />it is resolved that this zoning request be denied.
<br />
<br />It is here noted that Mr. Browning and Mr. Martin vote No.
<br />
<br />Mr. Daniel Patram comes before the Board requesting street lights at the end of
<br />Happy Hill Road and Rt. 620 and the intersection of Lawing Drive, near the Enon
<br />School and request further that the Highway be requested to improve the western
<br />end of Rt. 698.
<br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Purdy,. seconded by Mr. Apperson,
<br />it is resolved that these street light requests be referred to the Street Light
<br />Committee.
<br />
<br />Mrs. Irene Moore comes before the Board requesting a Variance to build a home
<br />facing a proposed 50-ft. right of way on Parcel 10, Section 30-8 of the County
<br />Tax Map~ which.road would lead into Broad Rock Road, near Rolando.
<br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Dietsch, seconded by Mr. Brown-
<br />ing~ it is resolved that this Board grants a Variance to Mrs. Moore, provided a
<br />50-ft. road is dedicated and provided further that the citizens of the area con-
<br />struct said road to meet the State's specifications.
<br />
<br />Mr. John Davies, Vice-President, Commonwealth's Gas Corporation, comes before the
<br />Board requesting approval of the crossing of the following roads with gas lines
<br />during the coming months. (see listing below)
<br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Dietsch, seconded by Mr. Martin,
<br />it is resolved that the Board gives its approval for the aforementioned Crossings
<br />with the understanding that the location of the gas lines within the road right
<br />of way be subject to the approval of the Engineering Department.
<br />
<br /> Robious Rd., Cranbeck Rd., Hwy. 8157 North-Courthouse Rd.,
<br /> Edenberry Dr., Harwick Dr., Drysdale Dr.,(2)~ Farnham Rd. (2),
<br /> Research Rd., Pocono Rd., Tuxford Rd., North Arch, Two Archway
<br /> Sub-Div. Entrances, Reams Rd., Walkerton Rd., Camborne Rd.~
<br /> Providence Rd. (2), Hicks Rd., Dorking, Cardiff Rd., Walhala Rd.,(2)
<br /> Fawnshire Rd.,Up,hire Rd., Lockshire Rd., Kings Mill Rd., Starcross
<br /> Rd., Salisbury Rd.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Dietsch, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the fol-
<br />lowing special water contracts be and they hereby are approved:
<br />
<br /> AC-469 - LaBrook Drive $22,513.35
<br /> RA-470 - McGuire Drive 1,304.00
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Dietsch~ seconded by Mr. Browning, it is resolved that the re-
<br />quest of certain citizens as evidenced by a petition requesting a water line on
<br />Elkhardt Lane to replace an existing 2~ water line be and it hereby is approved.
<br />It is here noted that the County Engineer states that the new water .main and fire
<br />hydrant will cost about $3750.00.
<br />
<br />
<br />