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There was read a letter from the Highway Department stating that the requested 45 <br />mph speed limit on Rt. 10, between Jessup Road and Belmont Road had been denied. <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Purdy,it <br />is resolved that this Board requests the Highway Department to install a 45 mph <br />speed limit on Rt. 10, between Chippenham Parkway and Belmont Road. <br /> <br />There was read a letter from Mr. J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engi- <br />neer, Virginia Department of Highways, stating that he agrees with the Board's <br />request to defer further improvements on Rt. 147, between Woodmont and Rt. 360, and <br />to promote the further improvements on Chippenham Parkway. <br /> <br />The Highway officially notified the County that North Pinetta Drive, from the end <br />of maintenance of Route 755 at the intersection uf Routes 755 and 2070 and running <br />south 0.42 mile to Route 60, in the Brighton Green Subdivision, sections 6 and 8, <br />had been taken into the State Secondary System of roads. <br /> <br />There was read a letter from the Highway Department stating that the Board's reque~ <br />for signal lights at the intersection of Rt. 10 and Bryce Lane and Rt. 360 and <br />Bryce Lane was denied. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Browning, seconded by Mr. Martin, it is resolved that the EngineeI <br />ing Department make a study of Bremo Street and make recommendations to the Board <br />of Supervisors concerning its improvement. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr.Purdy, seconded by Mr. Browning, it is resolved that water contrac~ <br />AC-315C-Park Lee Apartments in the amount of $12,676.00 and A-432C-Meadowbrook Wes~ <br />Section "F" in the amount of $10,153.00 be and they hereby'are approved. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Purdy, it is resolved that this Board <br />awards the contract C-492 for the installation of water to the Reams Road School t¢ <br />Stamie E. Lyttle Company, Inc. who submitted the low bid of $26,465.00. <br /> <br />Mr. Chapman comes before the Board in behalf of a water line on Elmore Lane, Lot 16 <br />~k "A", in Wendell Farms, and states that before the house was built on said lot <br />that the County had stated water was available. <br />The County Engineering Department states that their recommendation to the Building <br />Inspector showed the water line would be 160 feet from said lot. <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Browning <br />it is resolved that water be made available to Lot 18, on Elmore Lane at a cost of <br />$300.00 for a water connection. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Martin, it is resolved that the followi~ <br />sewer Agreements be and they hereby are approved: <br /> <br /> S-68-20CD - Meadowdale, Section "C" <br /> <br /> S-68-31D - Rt. 60 and Buford Road <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Purdy, seconded by'Mr. Apperson, the following contracts are <br />awarded: <br /> 1. S-68-3C to the Standardsville Construction Co. for the <br /> installation of sewers in the Quail Oaks area in <br /> the amount of $65,562.45, based on the use of <br /> cement asbestos pipe. <br /> <br /> 2. 6511-69A (S-68-2CD) to the Roanoke Construction Company <br /> for the installation of a portion of the Pocoshock <br /> Creek trunk sewer in the amount of $42,112.00 based <br /> on the use of concrete pipe. <br /> <br /> 3. 6511-42~ to Hollins, Howard and Cochrane for the installation <br /> of sewers on Covington Road in the amount of $5675.80 <br /> based on the use of either concrete or C/A pipe. <br /> <br />It was cited to the Board that the bids on the Nursing Home had been received at <br />2:00 P.M. this date and the lowest apparent bidder was the Bulifant Construction <br />Company in the amount of $1,077,000.00. It was further pointed out that the utili~ <br />planning at the Courthouse had changed to a small degree which necessitated some <br />negotiations between the low bidder and the Engineering Department. <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Browning, it is resolved that this matte <br />be referred to the Engineering Department and that further action on the bids for <br />this facility be deferred to August 14, 1968. <br /> <br />Mr. Spooner Hull, Mr. Cecil Turnage and Mrs. Virginia Gordon come before the Board <br />and Mr. Hull presents a letter outlining certain changes in the handling of voter <br />registrations in the County. It was pointed out that the present system was <br />expensive and somewhat cumbersome and the office of the Central Registrar should bE <br />changed to the office of the General Registrar and all Precinct Registrars would b( <br />classified as Assistant Registrars, each would be able to handle all registrations~ <br />however, transfers and absentee applications which have to come through the Genera] <br />Registrar's office. All records would be kept in the General Registrar's office. <br />He further outlined a program for mass registration beginning August 24 and ending <br />Sept. 28, 1968, using the facilities of the Fire Department and a Trailer at the <br />Southside Plaza. <br /> <br /> <br />