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Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states that all Board members have received a copy of the Bond Resolu- <br />tion which is necessary to be passed before the 2.4 million dollars in Revenue <br />Bonds can be sold. He states that it ties the agreement passed by this Board pre- <br />viously with the commitment of Brandermill and Equitable Life all together in one <br />resolutiOn. Mr. Myers inquires if the 2,4 million dollar figure can be expanded. <br />Mr. Mason states that it can but that it does not obligate the County to do so. <br />Mrs. Girone asks for some explanation of parts of the legal document. Mr. Apper- <br />son states that he has two questions regarding this resolution--one dealing with <br />the financial responsibility of the County. He states that the County is more <br />involved than originally anticipated and that should Brmndermill go bankrupt, the <br />Cou~nty would be liable. Mr. Mason states that the County's full faith and credit <br />is not involved and that should Brandermill fail, before the bonds are sold, <br />Equitable will bail them out and if Brandermill fails after the bonds are sold,~ <br />the bondholders can come to the County to request a rate change to produce the <br />revenues. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that in checking with the County Attorney, the second issue <br />of his objection can be discussed in Executive Session, and it is on his motion, <br />seconded by Mr. Myers, resolved that this Board go into Executive Session. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Reconvening: <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mrs. Girone, it is resolved that Stamie E. <br />Lyttle Company, Inc. who submitted the low bid of $692,376.45 be and it hereby <br />is awarded Sewer Contract.S74--S6T, Nuttree Creek Trunk. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br /> !. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mrs. Girone, it is resolved that the Sewer <br />Bond Revenue contract with Brandermill be and it hereby is deferred for two weeks. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that he had received a letter from Mr. Frampton requesting that <br />they be allowed to prepay the water and sewer connection fees at the prevailing <br />rate because as they sell lots they collect the fees. Mr. Burnett states that <br />the matter of rates should be decided tonight and if it is there is no need for a <br />resolution giving Brandermill the right to prepay the fees. Mr. Frampton states <br />that the resolution does not read that way. Mr. Burnett states that there is n~ <br />need for such a resolution because that was not the intention of the resolution. <br /> <br />Mr. Steve Barker of 20501 Woodpecker Road comes before the Board requesting per- <br />mission to install a private pump and force main to Old Town Creek Lagoon. Mr. <br />O'Neill, states that the County will not assist in anyway if this permission is <br />granted, that the property owner will be responsible for the maintenance and pur- <br />chase of the pump and that if the property is sold the pump is considered part of <br />the purchaser's property. Mr. Barker states that he understands. Upon considera- <br />tion of this matter and the applicant understanding that the County will not have <br />any responsibility it is on motion of Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Myers, resolved <br />that Mr. Barker be granted permission to install a private pump and force main to <br />Old Town Creek Lagoon for one home. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, 'Mrs. Girone, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Spencer comes before the Board and discusses the need for every lot or parcel <br />of land proposed for residential development to have a primary and secondary drain- <br />field site except in cases where sewer is provided o.r planned and available within <br />a reasonable time. He states that this should not be retroactive but for every <br />new parcel where residential development is expected. Upon consideration of this <br />matter, it is on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Bookman, resolved that the <br />following Ordinance be and it hereby is approved on an emergency basis: <br /> <br /> An Ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 4, Article II, Section 4-3 of the <br />Code of the County of Chesterfield, Virginia, by adding thereto a new paragraph <br />providing for primary and secondary drainfield sites on lots or parcels of land <br />proposed for residential development. <br /> <br /> Be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, Virginia, <br />that Section 4-3 of Chapter 4 of the Code of Chesterfield, Virginia, be amended <br />and reordained to read as follows: <br /> <br />"Section 4-3. Approval of sewage disposal facilities prerequisite to issuance <br /> of building permit. <br /> <br /> When any method of sewage disposal other than a pu'blic sewer is planned for <br />the service of any lot or parcel of land, the office of the building official shall!'~ <br />not issue a building permit until after receipt of approval from the health depart-l! <br />ment. Any restrictions or qualifications of such health department approval will <br />be stated on the permit. <br /> <br /> Every lot or parcel of land proposed for residential development shall have <br />and provide a primary and secondary drainfield site except in cases where sewer <br /> <br /> <br />