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On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Myers, be it resolved by the Board of <br />Supervisors of the County of Chesterfield, Virginia, in regular meeting assembled <br />that the Chairman of said Board be and he hereby is authorized to enter into an <br />agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behal~ <br />of said County whereby said Railroad Co'mpany grants unto said County the right or <br />license to install and maintain, for the purpose of a sewer main, a line of 36- <br />inch concrete pipe across the right of way and under the main track of said Rail- <br />road Company at or near Bellwood, Virginia; as particularly described in said agre~- <br />ment which agreement is dated February 20, 1976, a copy of which agreement is <br />filed with the Board of Supervisors. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the Engineer~ <br />ina Department be and it hereby is authorized to engineer the Beulah Village and <br />North Conifer Heights areas for sewers. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On mOtion, of Mr... Myers, s~condad by'Mr. Bookman, it is resolved that Mr. James C. <br />Lunsford in Masondale Subdivision, be and he hereby is given a sewer connection <br />for Lot 2, Blk. B on River Road. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Bookman, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that a Change <br />Order be approved for the Lime Handling Facilities on Falling Creek in the amount <br />of $1,809.81 which was necessitated to insure efficient operation of the facilitieS!. <br />Ayes: Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apper~on, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that a previous meeting the Board authorized the sum of $200 <br />to be offered to Mrs. Spivey and correspondence has been received stating that she <br />will not accept same. After consideration of this matter, it is on motion of Mrs. <br />Girone, seconded by Mr. Bookman, resolved that Mrs. Spivey be given the $350 as <br />requested for an easement in Contract 7032-6B. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mrs. Girone, it is resolved that the fol- <br />lowing resolution be and it hereby is approved: <br /> <br /> Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Chesterfield (the Board) <br />adopted a resolution on March 10, 1976; entitled "Resolution Authorizing the Is- <br />suance and Sale of $2,400,000 County of Chesterfield, Virginia, Sewer Revenue <br />Bonds (Brandermill Project), Series of 1976, and Notes in Anticipation of the Sale <br />Thereof and Providing for the Form, Details and Payment Thereof" Cthe Resolution) <br />and <br /> <br /> Whereas, the Resolution requires the appointment of a "Consulting Engineer," <br />as defined therein, to perform certain functions on behalf of holders of Bonds <br />and Notes issued thereunder; and <br /> <br /> Whereas, Brandermill, as required by the Resolution, has consented to the <br />naming of such "Consulting Engineer"; <br /> <br /> Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of <br />Chesterfield that R. Stuart Royer and Associates, is hereby appointed to act as <br />"Consulting Engineer" under the ResolUtion upon the terms and conditions set forth i~ <br />therein. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that no matter who is appointed "Consulting Engineer" the cost <br />will be approximately the same amount. <br /> <br />A vote being taken: <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the Engineer- <br />ing Department be authorized to improve the drainage on Halloway Avenue which cost <br />is estimated to be between $1,200 and $3,000 depending on what material is used. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apper, son, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />It is generally agreed that the County Mapping Program will be deferred for two <br />weeks because all information is not available at this time. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Bookman, seconded by Mr, Apperson, it is resolved that the Board <br />accepts an agreement between the County and the Developers of Quail Hollow and <br />authorizes the Chairman to sign a save-harmless agreement with the Highway Depart-i~ <br />ment for certain drainage easements that may be necessary to be ac.quired in the <br /> <br />development of Quail Hollow. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br /> <br />