Mr, Ritz and Mr, Williams come before the Board and explain the problems they are
<br />facing with unlicensed motor vehicles in the County and propose that vehicles
<br />falling in this category be charged $100 for an unlicensed fee in lieu of the
<br />$10 currently being charged, Mr, Williams states that these vehicles are not
<br />carried on the books and the County is losing personal property tax for each and
<br />every car of this nature, Mr, Ritz states that Mr, Schiavo has been having some
<br />problems with these cars and perhaps by raising the fees people will either get
<br />rid of these cars or repair them, After much discussion of this matter, it is
<br />on motion of Mrs, Girone, seconded by Mr~ Bookman? resolved that the CoUnty
<br />Attorney prepare the proper amendment changing the fee for unlicensed motor ve-
<br />hicles and advertise same for a Public Hearing on May 26~ 1976, at 4:30 p.m,
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr, OTNeill, Mrs, Gi~one'and Mr, Bookman,
<br />Abstention: Mr, Apperson,
<br />
<br />Mrs. Girone states that she feels the people in the County are looking towards
<br />the supervisors for comments regarding different issues and feels this is the
<br />way of getting their input. Mr, Apperson states that it seems the Board gets
<br />those issues that the people do not want to handle themselves such as the un-
<br />licensed car situation,
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr, Apperson, seconded by Mrs, Girone, it is resolved that the game
<br />claim of Mr, Wilmoth for the destruction of eight chickens be and it hereby is
<br />approved in the amount of $24 which is the recommendation of the Animal Control
<br />Department,
<br />
<br />'Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr, Apperson and Mr. Bookman,
<br />
<br />Mr, Jay Weinberg comes before, the Board representing the Continental Development
<br />Corporation and states that he and the other land owners in the area have agreed
<br />to participate in the cost of extending sewer to the Route 360 and Genito Road
<br />area, He states that this sewer system will not only serve the 550 acres involved
<br />directly with the developments but also approximately 750 acres. Upon considera-
<br />tion of this matter, it is on motion of Mr, Bookman, seconded by Mrs. Girone,
<br />resolved that the County accepts and approves this agreement as outlined for
<br />proposed sewer in the aforementioned area and a copy of same is filed with th~
<br />papers of this Board.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr, O'Neill, Mrs, Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr, Bookman and Mr. Myers.
<br />
<br />It is generally agreed that Mr. Burnett write Mr, Gordon a letter and explain
<br />the~County cannot vacate an easement on his property because this could possibly
<br />be needed for the extension of Buford Road at a later date.
<br />
<br />Mr. Burnett states that EPA has written a letter informing the County that they
<br />have approved the 3 mgd addition to the Falling Creek Sewerage Treatment Plant.
<br />Mr. Painter states that the Engineering Department has to make the Grant Appli-
<br />cation and do other things in conjunction with this letter of approval.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr, Myers, it is resolved that the follow-
<br />ing Water Contracts be and they hereby are approvedl
<br />
<br />1. W768D-1 Powderham $ 33,832.07
<br /> County of Chesterfield
<br />
<br />2. W76-13CD Huntingcreek Hills, Section "A" 88.507.10
<br /> Stamie E, Lyttle Company, Inc.
<br /> Refund through connections . $38,067.10
<br />
<br />3. W76~lSD Bon Air Manor 6,250.00
<br /> Bookman Construction Company
<br />
<br />4. W76-18D Pocoshock Professional Building 6,690.00
<br /> Bookman Construction Company
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr, O'Neill, Mrs, Girone, Mr. Apperson and Mr, Myers,
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Bookman, seconded by Mr, Apperson, it is resolved that Water
<br />Contract W76-7CD, Hybla Road (State Route 1442) be and it hereby is awarded to
<br />William M. Harman in the amount of $14,761,40,
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr, O'Neill, Mrs. Girohe, Mr. Apperson, Mr, Bookman and Mr, Myers.
<br />
<br />Mr. Birdsong and Mr, Mendenhall come before the Board to discuss the water study
<br />for the area west of Matoaca, They state that the lines will be basically 16"
<br />and a small portion will be 30", Mr. Birdsong states that it will cost over
<br />$2,000,000 to put in the entire system, Mr, Bookman inquires about the possi~
<br />bility of revenue bonds for these projects, Mr. Myers states that he fzels a
<br />study should be done prior to Mr, Burnett leaving, Mr. O'Neill states that he
<br />
<br />
<br />