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On motion of Mrs. Girone, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the Chair- <br />man and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to sign an agreement for sewer <br />service for the State Police Administrative Headquarters. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Myers, be it resolved by the Board of <br />Supervisors of the County of Chesterfield, Virginia, in regular meeting assembled <br />that the Chairman of said Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into <br />an agreement with the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on <br />behalf of said County whereby said Railroad company grants unto said County the <br />right or lice'nse to install and maintain, for the purpose of sewer mains, lines <br />of pipe across the rights of way and under tracks of said Railroad Company near <br />Richmond, Virginia, as particularly described in said agreement, which agreement <br />is dated April 22, 1976, a copy of which agreement is filed with the Board of <br />Supervisors. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that there will be a hearing on sewer regulations at the' of- <br />lice of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries on June 9, 1976, at 10:00 a.m. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Bookman, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the State <br />Highway Department be and it hereby 'is requested to accept a portion of Old <br />Hundred Road, Brandermill, as relocated into the State Secondary System. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />It is generally agreed that condemnation pr6ceedings against Mr. and Mrs. Latham L <br />Thigpen be deferred until the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that he will not make a resolution authorizing condemnation <br />proceedings against Mr. and Mrs. Ellis O. Garner because the people were told that <br />this line would not cross their property and i't did and further because he was <br />told that they had not been contacted by the Engineering Department regarding <br />this situation. After much discussion of this matter, it is on motion of Mr. <br />Bookman, seconded by Mr. Myers, resolved that the Engineering Department be <br />authorized to write and advise Mr. Garner that the County has raised its offer <br />of $10 to $50 and asks for his cooperation. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br />Abstention: Mr. Apperson. <br /> <br />There is some discussion of the relocation of the sewer line for Mr. and Mrs. <br />Belcher in lieu of condemnation. Mr. O'Neill. states that when situations of this <br />type have arisen in other parts of the County the lines have been relocated for <br />such reasons as the one presented here and adds that the additional cost will be <br />$2,600. After much consideration of this matter, it is on motion of Mr. O'Neill, <br />seconded by Mrs. Girone, resolved that the sewer line for Contract S73-33T/DD be <br />and it hereby is approved for relocation for engineering and other reasons as <br />stated. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Myers. <br />Abstention: Mr. Bookman. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the Chair- <br />man and Clerk of this Board be and they hereby are authorized to sign a vacation <br />and rededication of a sewer easement agreement across the property of J. Louis <br />Reynolds and Glen P. Reynolds, his wife, Sewer Project 7032-17A/1, 2 and 3. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Bookman, it is resolved that the Engi- <br />neering Department be and it hereby is authorized to pay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. <br />Hicks, 9000 Salem Church Road, $350 for a water easement. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mrs. Girone, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the <br />County's topography maps be reduced in cost from $1,000 to $500 per sheet as re- <br />quested by the Engineering Department. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mrs. Girone, it is resolved that the County <br />Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to attend the AWWA Convention in New <br />Orleans. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br /> <br />