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Present: <br /> <br />Mr. E. Merlin O'Neill, Chairman <br />Mrs. Joan Gircne, Vice-Chairman <br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson <br />Mro C. Lo Bookman <br />Mr. Leo Myers <br /> <br />Mr. Lee O. Falwell <br /> <br />VIRGINIA: Ah an adjourned meeting <br />of the Board of Supervisors of <br />Chesterfield County, held at the <br />Courthouse on September 15, 1976, <br />at 2:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />Mr. James Condrey, Dir., Central Acctg. <br />Mr. Elmer Hodge, Dir., Data Processing <br />Mr. Aubrey Lindsay, Schools <br />Mr. C. G. Manuel, Asst. Co. Admin. <br />Mr. Mprris Mason, Attorney <br />Mr. Steve Micas, County Attorney <br />Mr. C~orge Moore, Jr., Treasurer <br />Mr. Michael Ritz, County Planner <br /> <br />Mr. Elmer Hodge came before the Board and gave a brief history of the Data Processing Department, <br />progress which has been made and reoomnendations for the future which included larger facilities, <br />more personnel and new equipment. <br /> <br />Mr. Hodge stated the biggest problems faced by the department have been and still are facilities <br />to house equipment, training of personnel to keep up with new technology and new up-to-date <br />equipment. Mr. Hodge thereby stated he would like to request the County purchase a new Burroughs <br />computer which is capable of handling the County's needs and some outside needs for the next five <br />to seven years. Mr. Hodge further stated that the new computer could be used for on-line appli- <br />cations for the budget, recording of encumbrances; payroll and personnel information, annual and <br />sick leave information, inventory systems for the schools and airport; mapping; census data; <br />capabilities, experience and area of educaticn for recruiting of teachers, etc. all of which <br />cannot be done with the present computer. <br /> <br />Mr. Falwell stated he had met with school officials and stated they have been contemplating the <br />purchase of a computer for the Vocational Technical School. Mr. Aubrey Lindsay of the School <br />Administration stated on-line application is greatly needed by the School system mainly from <br />a financial Standpoint and the school system was waiting on the decision of the Board on obtaining <br />a new computer for a centralized system before buying a new computer for the schools; that a <br />personnel system is desparately needed. <br /> <br />Mr. James Condrey stated he was in agreement with Mr. Hodge's objectives; we have inefficiences; <br />and would like to kn~ what we hav~ and don't have with confidence. <br /> <br />Mr. George Moore, Jr., Treasurer, stated he too could use the new computer to great advantage. <br /> <br />~here arose a discussion on facilities for housing Data Processing. Mr. Falwell advised the <br />Board original plans were to renovate the Fair Buildings to house Data Processing, General <br />Services and Central Accounting. He further stated he had received a letter from Mr. Jack <br />Burgess of the Fair Association which stated they were not willing to give up their space. <br />Mr. Apperson stated the County has moral obligations to the Fair and Mr. Myers stated he felt <br />that if we proceeded with plans to renovate the Fair buildings we should build another building <br />for the Fair Association. Mr. Bookman stated he could sympathize with the fair, but had no <br />sympathy for mobile homes and we could not keep going around and around about space problems. <br />Mr. Falwell stated he had talked with Mr. Cobaugh who has a building in the Industrial Park <br />which he is willing to lease to the County to house data processing. Mr. Falwell recon~ended <br />the ODunty leave the Fair buildings as they are becuase it would be less expensive to rent <br />space with an option to buy than to renovate the Fair buildings and construct a building for <br />the Fair Association. <br /> <br />Mr. Falwell further suggested that in all fairness to the other vendors, bids should be let to <br />replace the current computer with specifications r~eting the County's requirements and that a <br />financial analyst be hired for the Date Processing Department. <br /> <br />~irs. Girone stated she felt the best solution to the problem would be to instruct the County <br />Administrator to gather information for renting the Industrial Park pro_~-=rty to house Data <br />Processing since the new administration building is not going to be ready soon. <br /> <br />After further discussion of the matter, it was on motion of Mrs. Girone, seconded by Mr. Bookman, <br />resolved that the County Administrator was authorized to negotiate for rental space at the <br />Airport Industrial Park to house Data Prooessing in lieu of renovating the Fair Buildings. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. ~ers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Ap_person, it was resolved that bids be let to replace <br />the current Burroughs computer which bids should meet the County's specifications. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mrs. Girone, it was resolved that the Data Processing <br />Director be and he thereby was authorized to recruit and hire a Financial Analyst creating a <br />new position to be funded out of the current budget provided funds are available. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br /> <br />