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Present: <br /> <br />Mr. E. M~rlin O'Neill, Chairman <br />Mrs. Joan Girone, Vice Chairman <br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson <br />Mro Co L. Bookman <br /> <br />Mr. Lee O. Falwell, Couaty Administrator <br /> <br />VIRGINIA: At an adjourned m~eting of <br />the Board of Supervisors of Chester- <br />field Counhy, held at the Oourthouse <br />on October 27, 1976, at 9:00 a.m. <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />Mr. Stanley Balderson, Principal Planner <br />Mrs. Joan Dolezal, Secretary <br />Mr. Steve Micas, County Attorney <br />Mr. C. G. Manuel, Asst. Co. Admin. <br />Mr. M~rris Mason, Attorney <br />Mr. Layne P~rsey, Asst. Dir. of Cent. Acct. <br />Mr. Michael Ritz, Planning Director <br />Mr. W. Lynn Wingfield, Admin. Asst. <br /> <br />Mrs. Girone called the meeting to order. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers gave the invocation. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Gircne and Mr. Apperson made some corrections to the minutes of October 13th and 18th. <br /> Mr. Ritz stated that he would like the minutes of October 13th explained regarding the Planning <br /> Department. Mr. Bookman stated that his statement was made without maaning to imply any <br /> criticism of the department itself. It was g~neratly agreed that the minutes of October <br />13th should reflect that problems with landfills were because of the restrictions of the <br />·Zcning Ordinance and not the Planning Departm=_nt. <br /> <br />Itwas on notion of Mr. Bookman, seconded by Mr. Myers, resolved that the minutes of <br />September 22nd, October 7th, 13th, 18th, 20~h and 22nd were approved as amended. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Book,an and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Falwell stated that this tim_= and date had been scheduled for a Public Hearing on the <br />abolishmmnt of the Finance Board. Mr. Micas read the proposed ordinance. Mr. ~fe'rs inquired <br />if the Cotnty Treasurer was in agreement with the abolisb_mant. Mr. Falwell stated that he <br />was. Mr. Myers questioned the original need for this Board if it could be abolished so <br />easily. Mr. Micas stated that many county beards, at one tim~, did not have the financial <br />e~pertise needed and that was the reason for a Finance Board. Mr. Falwell stated that if the <br />Finance Board were abolished, that an A~ministrativ~ Con~nittee would be formad consisting of <br />the County Administrator, the County Treasurer, the Director of Central Accounting and the <br />Director of Data Processing and that more detailed, accurate records could be distributed, <br />and that those people who are working individually to give the Board the information requested <br />would be working ~ollectively. After further discussion of the matter, it was on motion of <br />Mrs. Girone, secended by Mr. Apperson, resolved that the following Ordinance was adopted: <br /> <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Chesterfield: <br /> <br /> (1) ql~at pursuant to the authority contained in ~58-940 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, <br />as amanded, the Chesterfield County Finance Board is hereby abolished and all authority, <br />powers, and duties of the Finance Board are hereby vested in the Board of Supervisors-of <br />Chesterfield County. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Bookman <br />Nays: Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Falwell stated that the Board would nc~ be the Finance Board for the County and suggested <br />that the Administrative Committee as discussed previously be appointed. It was on notion of <br />Mrs. Girone, seccnded by Mr. Bookman, resolved that the appointmant of an Administrative Com- <br />mittee be deferred for two weeks. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers. <br /> <br />Mr. Ritz presents the revised schedule for the Capital Inlorovemant Program for the County. <br />He stated that the major changes from the one presented at the maeting on October 13th were <br />1) the Planning Conr~ission was not going to be involved and have to approve this program, <br />2) this would allow the departumnt heads an additional month to prepare their reports, etc. <br />Mrs. Girene stated that she was agreeable to the new schedule which would give the departn~nt <br />heads more tima, that even if the Planninq Commission is not included this year it would not <br />set a precedent for future years, she had-heard other supervisors in other areas who were in <br />total support of a CIP and that she felt this planning with a revision every year was very <br />importation. <br /> <br />Mr. Bookman stated that the public will feel that the CIP is a certainty and will question why <br />things are not done in the year for which a project was proposed. Mrs. Girone stated if it <br />were inportant enough to put down in the CIP and economic factors did not prevent it, then this <br />would be an indicatio~ that this project should be accomplished. Mr. Falwell stated that this <br />would be the sama as tbs Operating Budget, only one year at a time would be approved. Mr. <br />Myers stated that people would expect whatever is written to be done and that the County is just <br />asking for trouble. Mr. O'Neill and Mr. Appersen stated that the County has been criticized <br />before for not doing any planning. Mr. Bookman stated that he intends to keep a close look <br />at this continuity. After further discussion of %his matter, it was on motion of Mr. Apperson, <br />seconded by Mrs. Girone, resolved that this Board approved the concept of the CIP and approved <br />the schedule of dates as presented but with the understanding that perhaps soma changes in the <br />dates may be necessary. <br /> <br /> <br />