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VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of <br />the Board of S~pervisors of (~esterfield <br />County, held at the Courthouse on <br />November 12, 1976, at 9:00 a.m. <br /> <br />Present: <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />Mr. E. M~rlin O'Neill, Chairman <br />Mrs. Joan Girone, Vice-Chairman <br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson <br />Mr. C. L. Bookman <br />Mr. Leo ~fers <br /> <br />Mr. Lee O. Falwell, County Administrator <br /> <br />Mr. Raynond Birdsong, Asst. Co. Engineer <br />Mr. Craig S. Bryant, Asst. Co. Engineer <br />Mr. James Condrey, Dir. of Cent. Acctg. <br />Mrs. Susan H. Heatherly, Secretary <br />Mr. C. G. Manuml, Asst. lb. Admin. <br />Mr. Steve Micas, County Attorney <br />Mr. t~bert Painter, County Engineer <br />Mr. Charles Qugiff, Supt. of Accts. & <br />Mr. Michael Ritz, County Planner <br />Mr. Dave Welchons, Asst. Co. Engineer <br /> <br />Mr. Painter introduced Mr. George W. Nichols and Mr. Jack D. Frietag of R. W. Beck & Associates <br />who were present to review with the Board the proposed Water and Sanitary Sewer Rate Study. <br /> <br />Mr. Nichols began by stating the purpose of the study was to determine the adequacy of the <br />present rates with respect to revenue requirements for the next five years, ending in June, <br />19 81 and what rate changes need to be made. Mr. Nichols stated in determining the revenue <br />requirements for sewer they f~rst.had to forecast the estimated increase in customers, exten- <br />sic~ of lines, etc.; identify operation and maintenance o~sts--which included a slight increase <br />in outside personnel for sewer; and determine capital needs--new plants. <br /> <br />Mr. Nichols further stated that the capital improvements for the next five years as listed in <br />the study is the barest capital program with nothing provided for additional facilities and <br />most funds being available in fiscal year 1976-77; that there will be very little working <br />capital left. <br /> <br />The study proposes that the County float two general obligation sewer bond issues--S3,000,000 <br />in January, 1977 and $2,000,000 in July, 1979. Mr. Nichols stated that even with the bond <br />issues and generated receipts, the County can e~pect an estimated deficiency of revenues for <br />sewer for the five year period to be $4,446,000 if rates are not increased. <br /> <br />Mr. Nichols stated that the foll~ing basic guidelines were considered when developing the <br />proposed rates: 1) Proposed rates and charges for each utility should be ada~tuate to pro- <br />duce revenues to meet ~evenue requirements--sewer should be constructed to n~et peak demands <br />in the areas such as treatment plants and transport facilities; 2) Sewer and water service <br />rates should be based on reasonably equitable distribution of capacity costs, customer costs <br />and volunm costs to each class of customer; 3) the criteria for measuring the capacity charges <br />should be based on the size of the water meter for both sewer and water; 4) User charges and <br />a system of industrial cost recovery for improvemant to the sewer facilities should reflect <br />the requirements of EPA; 5) the basic volume charges for sewer service should be the sam~ for <br />all classes of service, provided the characteristics of the sewage are a.lso the san~--a sur- <br />charge over and above the basic vol~ charge should be made for sewage that exceeds normal <br />residential sewage characteristics; 6) sewer and water service rates should be structured to <br />facilitate the ease of administration of such rates. <br /> <br />Mr. Nichols further stated that there should be created an equity between classes of customers; <br />that sores large customers are not paying their fair share; that with the proposed rates there <br />would be established an equity between the classes. Mr. Nichols stated they were proposing <br />one rate for all classes of customers for the volun~ charge per premise as measured by the <br />water meter which would be $0.57 per 100 cubic feet. <br /> <br />Mr. Bookman expressed concern that there would be a deficit of $4,446,000 even with generated <br />receipts and floating bond issues. <br /> <br />Mr. O'Neill asked Mr. Painter if the water meters are sized properly throughout the County. <br />Mr. Painter stated host are in line. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers stated when the last sewer bond issued was floated the Board was told they were on <br />safe, souad ground to float the bond and since then the Board has had to increase rates and <br />would like to knew if the proposed study used any figures outstanding from the last bond issue. <br />Mr. Nichols stated only present figures were used. Mr. Myers stated he was concerned about <br />keeping the same thing from happening again if the Board should decide to float another b~nd <br />issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Nichols then reviewed the water portion of the rate study. He stated the study proposed <br />water bond issues be floated in June, 1977 and July 1, 1979; that the County must .maintain a <br />1.4 coverage to pay the debt service on outstanding bc~ds and additional bonds. There followed <br />a general discussion of revenue and general obligation bcnd issues. <br /> <br /> <br />