VIRGINIA: At a regular nmeting of the Board
<br />of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, held
<br />at the Courthouse on November 15, 1976, at
<br />1:00 p.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />Mr. E. M~rlin O'Neill, C~airman
<br />Mrs. Joan Girone, Vice-Chairman
<br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson
<br />Mr. C. L. Bookman
<br />
<br />Mr. Lee O. Falwell, County Administrator
<br />
<br />Also Present:
<br />
<br />Mr. RaymDnd Birdsong, Asst. Co. Engineer
<br />Mr. John Harnon, Right-of-Way Agent
<br />Mrs. Susan H. Heatherly, Secretary
<br />Mr. Steve Micas, County Attorney
<br />Mr. Pobert Painter, County Engineer
<br />Mr. Willis Pope, Right-of-Way Engineer
<br />Mr. Charles Quaiff, Supt. of Accts. & P~cords
<br />Mr. Michael Ritz, County Planner
<br />Mr. Dave Welchons, Asst. Co. Engineer
<br />
<br />%he Vice-Chairman called the nmeting to order.
<br />
<br />Mr. E. O. Garner of 8101 Hopkins RDad was present requesting a free sewer oonnection as a
<br />settlement for a sewer easement across his property. Mr. Apperson stated his concern was when
<br />he brought this matter to. the attention of the Engineering Department, he was told the line
<br />was not going across Mr. Garner's property, therefore, he did not pursue %he r~atter further;
<br />he was later informmd that the County was in fact on his property and no easenmnt was sought.
<br />Mr. Harmc~ stated R. Stuart Toyer had been contacted on the matter and informed the Engineering
<br />Depa'.r~_nt that it would not be necessary to acquir~ an easemmnt when the line was being in-
<br />stalled; that tL Stuazt t~yyer had performed additional grading and clearing of Mr. Garner,s
<br />property when it was determined the line was across his property.
<br />
<br />Mr. BOOkman stated he felt R. Stuazt Noyer should share som~ of the responsibility in the
<br />matter. Mr. Pope stated it was not the Cbumty's policy to give free connections and by doing
<br />so in this case, it would be setting a precedent. Mr. Apperson stated there had been sores
<br />extenuating circumstances involved in this case and something should be done to correct the
<br />problem.
<br />
<br />After further discussion of the matter, it was on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr.
<br />Bookman, resolved that Mr. Garner be paid $600 for property damages which in turn will be
<br />applied to a $600 connection fee on Hopkins Road when sewer is available.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers.
<br />
<br />It was generally agreed that the Engineering Department would work with Mr. Garner on a
<br />drainage problem he is experiencing on his property.
<br />
<br />M~. Myra A. Campbell was present requesting the extension of a water service line from Rt. 60
<br />to her property on corner of Robious Road and Bcn Air Road behing property owned by On Court
<br />Tennis. F~. Campbell also was requesting permission to utilize a private sewage pump station
<br />to pump to proposed sewer at Route 60 and Pocono Drive.
<br />
<br />Mr. Birdsong presented an alternate of installing a 6" line across Rt. 60 to RDbious Road
<br />'across the property owned by On Court Tenruis in lieu of installing a private service line
<br />to Ms. Campbell's property. Mr. Birdsong stated the alternate method offered rare advan-
<br />tages to Ms. Campbell, incl~ng fire protection. Mr. Birdsong further stated the estimated
<br />cost of the project would be $6,220 including the water meter fee, to be paid by the devel-
<br />oper°
<br />
<br />After further discussion, it was agreed that the matter of the water line be deferred until
<br />MS. Campbell has a chance to review the situation.
<br />
<br />After some discussion, it was on notion of Mrs. Girone, seconded by Mr. Bookman, resolved
<br />that MS. Campbell was authorized to utilize a private sewage pump station and pump to pro-
<br />posed sewer at Route 60 and Pocono Drive.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers.
<br />
<br />Mr. J. J. Hanky, Jr. of the JJH Corporation was present requesting refunds of $250 each for
<br />217 lots in Orcharc~ill Subdivision along with $100 each for 180 lots ~wned by Mr. Henry
<br />M~yer who will also be served by the 16" off-site water line running up Salem Road to the
<br />subdivision, which approximate cost of the line totals $72,000, to be paid by the JJH Cor-
<br />poratic~.
<br />
<br />Mr. Painter stated Mr. Msyer has agreed to the arrangement and after further discussion, it
<br />was on notion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Bookman, it was resolved the request of the
<br />JJH Corporation for refunds through connections totaling $72,250 for Orchardhill Subdivision
<br />and property owned by Mr. Msyer was approved.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. O'Neill, Mrs. Girone, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Bookman and Mr. Myers.
<br />
<br />It was here noted by ,' Mr. Micas that the County Ordinance prohibits refunds from connection
<br />after five years; therefore, if Mr. Msyer does not develop his property within that time,
<br />refunds cannot be allowed.
<br />
<br />
<br />