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report on Mr. Long's problem. Mr. Painter states that some money is available but <br />that the County has committed itself to others of an emergency nature. It is <br />generally agreed that this matter will be deferred until the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Welchons states that the survey in the Victoria Hills and Bruce Farms area in <br />Chester has resulted in 43~% contracts being signed and returned. <br /> <br />Mr. Welchons states that the sewer survey in Deerfield resulted in 56.5% and that <br />the lots are very scattered. He states the cost will be approximately $300,000. <br />He adds that of the 69 homes in the area, 39 returned contracts but that a total <br />of t00 lots could be served if vacant lots are included, and this 100 includes <br />the 39 homes. <br /> <br />Mr. Welchons states that of the 27 homes on Aldridge Avenue, 18 have agreed to <br />sewer which represents 66 2/3%. He adds that this will cost more than usual as a <br />long outfall will be involved. He states that if vacant lots are included the <br />precentage would be 80%. Mr. Painter states that if vacant lots are to be included <br />· n these surveys something will have to be worked out regarding the monthly charges <br />as the revenue is needed. It is generally agreed that this matter be deferred <br />for two weeks. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states there is a problem with the Highway Department which would like <br />to purchase five acres for the widening of 1-95. He adds the land has been ap- <br />praised at $10,000 and that he feels the County should cooperate with them but <br />EPA may want the County to have a certain amount of land if the expansion of the <br />.Falling Creek Sewage Treatment Plant is approved. He states that EPA may want <br />the County t.o buy more land later and an alternative would be to see if the High- <br />way Department could acquire the needed land from adjacent landowners. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that we have 45 acres now and by going with h he ulitmate design <br />there is no land to spare. Mr. Burnett suggests that the County cooperate with <br />the Highway Department if they will agree to give a like amount of land if EPA <br />wants the County to safeguard the Sewage Treatment Plant. Mr. Painter states that <br />the County did have to buy land at the Proctor's Plant to act as a buffer, but the <br />highway could act as the needed buffer. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers states that we could condition it so that we could negotiate if and when <br />EPA asks for it. Mr. Horner inquires if EPA should be contacted as a matter of <br />courtesy. Mr. Burnett states he feels we could give the Highway Department the <br />land with the stipulation attached. Mr. Horner states that we could give the <br />right-of-e ntr y and state that we may have to exchange land later. Mr. Painter <br />states that the County may have to give up the easement across the toll road. Mr. <br />Homer states that he does not want the County to lose anything it has already. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded~by Mr. O'Neill, it is resolved that the High- <br />way Department be given a right-of-entry as requested and the matter of land need <br />be investigated further. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that there is a small delegation from Bon Air regarding the <br />proposed sewer for the area. Mr. Sam Wagstaff and Mrs. Godsey come before the <br />Board stating that they feel this sewer line should be installed because of the <br />health problems the failing septic tanks are causing. Mr. Krepela states that <br />Whose for and against the sewer in the area are very close. Mr. Logan comes be- <br />fore the Board and states that he represents the people in the area who are op- <br />posed to the sewer. Mr. Welchons states that 10 signed contracts for sewer and <br />11 have not. Mr. Wagstaff adds that Dr. Carwell asked him to tell the Board that <br />he does want sewer. Mr. Logan states that the residents are not opposed to sewer, <br />but the location of the line going in the rear of the property in lieu of the <br />streets and also some feel they are being pressured to sign the contracts. He <br />asks the Engineering Department to design a new proposal moving the line. Mr. <br />Welchons states that they designed the line to the middle of the properties to <br />save as many buildings, sheds, trees, etc. as possible, then they designed it 10 <br />ft. from the property lines and that they have redesigned this line a third time to <br />prevent condemning as many as possible. Mr. Logan inquires how many ~wers are <br />bad. Mr. Burnett states that these septic tanks have been in the area for the <br />past 25 years and that the entire area was condemned at one time because of this <br />problem and that since the contractor is in the area now, it woul~ be better eco- <br />nomically to proceed with the line construction. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett asks Mr. Logan how long he has lived in the area and he replies since <br />August. Mr. Burnett states that FHA would not supply money for loans in this area <br />at the time they had condemned. Mr. Logan inquires why the County is going through <br />the backyards instead of the streets. Mr. Welchons states that the cost would be <br />less, they do not know where in the streets it could go and because they can put <br />one line in to serve the area in lieu of two. Mr. Logan states that by giving <br />the easements the lots will be smaller than they presently are and building would <br />be prohibited. Mr. Burnett states that building is not permitted on lot lines <br />anyway. <br /> <br /> <br />