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02-26-75 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
02-26-75 Minutes
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/29/2003 1:35:50 PM
Creation date
4/30/2003 6:37:55 PM
Board of Supervisors
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Meeting Date
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Mr. Welchons comes before the Board and gives the results of sewer surveys conducted <br />in the following areas which are as follows: <br /> <br />Chester Area - 49.8% returned contracts in the area of Richmond, Percival, <br /> Petersburg and Winfree Streets. <br /> <br />Forest Acres - 60% returned contracts in the area of Reams and Adkins Roads. <br />Kingsdale Road - 55.3% returned contracts. <br /> <br />Radcliffe Road - 60.3% returned contracts and more may be possible if vacant lots are considered. <br /> <br />Chester'Area - 50% returned contracts in the area of Bruce Farms, Lora Lynn Heights, <br /> etc. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that he feels a survey should be made in the area of Rock Creek <br />Road. Mr. Welchons states that the approximate cost for this area will be $13,000. <br />Dr. Gibbey comes before the Board and states that five homes in this area are in <br />bad need of sewers and all easements have been signed. On motion of Mr. Krepela, <br />seconded by Mr. ApperSon, it is resolved that the Engineering Department receive <br />bids in this area and construct a sewer line if bids do not exceed $13,000. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Prosise states that the Engineering Department has received bids on Project <br />D7~04C, for drainage improvements in Ettrick. He states that the low bid was in <br />the amount of $25,198.50 for Part I of probably a two phase project to put in a <br />drainage network in the area from East River Road to Chesterfield Avenue. He adds <br />that the Virginia Department of Highways will pay $5,000 of the cost, the property <br />owners of the 7-11 and Grocery Store will pay for the inlets in front of their place~ <br />o~, business, and other property owners will pay for curb and gutters in front of <br />t~ir property. He states the cost the County will experience will be approximately <br />$18,63,6. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that Contract <br />D74-04C for drainage improvements to Ettrick be and it hereby is awarded to IPK <br />Construction Company in the amount of $25,298.50. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Prosise states that he has received a complaint regarding Tall Pine Road off <br />of Old Bailey Bridge Road. He states that the road was recorded in 1965 and has <br />never been taken into the State System and adds further that improvements need to <br />be made such as the resurfacing of the road and pulling the ditches. It is gen- <br />erally agreed that Mr. Prosise get an estimate from the Highway Department on the <br />cost of this improvement and Mr. Krepela will use 3¢ Road Funds for this improve- <br />ment. <br /> <br />~r. Prosise states that Mr. Krepela asked him to investigate the drainage problem <br />at Brixham and Halstead. He states that the vacant lot ~is lower than the ditch <br />and a builder would like to construct a dwelling on this lot but he would first <br />have to fill in the lot causing a drainage problem on the adjacent lots. He states <br />that this could be storm sewered for approximately $2,090 if the County did the <br />work and that another estimate from a contractor was in the amount of $7,150. He <br />adds that he recommends that this property owner dedicate an easement and pay $450 <br />for the cost of the pipe across his property and the County do the work to con- <br />struct this storm sewer. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Apperson, it is resolved that the County <br />construct a storm sewer in this area with the property owner granting an easement <br />and paying for the cost of pipe across his property which is estimated to be $450. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Prosise presents preliminary for drainage in the area of Rt. 60 and Rt. 147. <br />He states this would require the property owners or developers in the area to pay <br />or make arrangements for drainage work in the area for the land as it is used. He <br />states that this is a high level swamp area and would be done in two phases. Mr. <br />Burnett states that he feels a plan should be presented showing the two different <br />drainage areas. Mr. Horner voices his concern for landowners selling this property <br />to unaware purchasers. Mr. Mason states that this would have to be advertised and <br />adopted before it would be legal. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. O'Neitl~ <br />resolved that this drain~age plan be referred to the Planning Commission for a recom- <br />mendation. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Krepela states there is a delegation present to discuss with the Board the <br />possibility of changing the County's form of government. Mr. Apperson inquires if <br />Mr. Krepela realizes there is no compulsion on the part of the Judge to schedule <br /> <br /> <br />
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