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03-26-75 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
03-26-75 Minutes
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Last modified
12/29/2003 1:34:09 PM
Creation date
4/30/2003 6:56:45 PM
Board of Supervisors
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Meeting Date
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priate Revenue Sharing money in the amount of approximately $325,000, or 2. Have <br />Mr. Horner clear up in his own mind the reservations he has regarding the LaPrade <br />Library site and let Midlothian District have the money that was set aside for this <br />library. Mr. David Wait, President of the Midlothian Ruritan Club, states that <br />he feels the Library would be used constantly because more people will go if there <br />is one close by. Mr. Doug Woolfolk comes before the Board and states that being <br />a resident of Midlothian, he knows there is a great need for a library and states <br />further that there is a building in Sycamore Square consisting of approximately <br />4,000 square feet that could be used as a temproary library until funds are avail- <br />able for the construction of a pez-manent facility. He states that the rent would <br />be about $5 per square foot. <br /> <br />Mr. Krepela states that he feels the creditability of bond issues is at stake here. <br />He adds that more bond issues will be needed to fund schools, sewers, etc. and <br />that if the promises made to the citizens are not kept, they will not vote or they <br />will vote against bond issues in the future. Mrs. James Gleason comes before the <br />Board and states that she represents the J. B. Watkins Elementary P.T.O. and reads' <br />statements citing the insufficient library facilities in the area. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers inquires what has happened regarding the bond issue and the money that <br />was supposed to go to these libraries. Mr. Burnett states that it is mainly due <br />to inflation, escalation and time. Mr. Myers states that it is his understanding <br />that $970,000 was left for the Central Library and the branch library in Clover <br />Hill. Mr. Burnett states that is true, but that the Board did have to scale down <br />the Central Library in order to leave funds for the branch library. Mr. Horner <br />states that he has received a petition from approximately 60 residents of Clover <br />Hill stating the need for a library also. <br /> <br />· Mrs. Knoop states that she is not opposed to a library in Midlothian and that the <br />i Library Board is proposing one for the area but funds are limited at this time'. <br />': She states further that they are trying to locate one library in each District <br />'i prior to placing libraries where the need is greatest and that Midlothian does <br /> have a library in Bon Air at this time. Mr. Phillips states that the land has <br /> been donated and that they stand a chance of losing this land if a library is not <br />~t built.within a reasonable time schedule. Mr. Burnett inquires what a reasonable <br /> time schedule is. Mr. Phillips states that Mr. Gardner feels between one and two <br /> years is reasonable. Mr. Hornet inquires of Mrs. Knoop where the need is the <br /> greatest. She states that in the area of Clover Hill, as proposed. A lady in <br /> the audience states that Midlothian is the fastest growing District in Chester- <br /> field a~d feels the need is greatest there. Mr. Burnett states that Clover Hill <br /> District is actually the fastest growing District, with Midlothian ranking second. <br /> <br />After considerable discussion, Mr. Homer states that if Mr. Leake and the Library <br />Board feel the need for a library is greater in Midlothian then that is where it <br />should go but if it is not then the Library Board should look towards rental space <br />for a temporary site. Mr. Myers asks if this means Mr. Horner is abandoning the <br />idea of a library in Clover Hill. Mr. Horner states that he is not abandoning the <br />idea just postponing same for a little while. Mr. Myers states that Dale does not <br />have a library either. Mr. Apperson states that the library is not far for the <br />residents of Dale but that, of course, one located more centrally would be better <br />but he has not received any petitions. Mrs. Knoop states that the turn out Satur- <br />day at Meadowbrook Plaza could serve as a petition because 800 books were borrowed <br />from the Bookmobile which is the largest ever in a single day and this was within <br />a six hour period. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, <br />resolved that the Board request the Library Board to seek rental space for a Mid- <br />lothian Library in Sycamore Square upon the approval of a contract and further <br />that funds are hereby guaranteed for same. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Hornet, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />75S054 <br /> <br />Mr. Tommy Hamilton appears before the Board requesting a Variance to allow the <br />construction of a dwelling on a parcel of land fronting on an Unimproved roadway <br />being the extension of Sunset Boulevard and it is generally agreed that Mr. Hamil- <br />ton should confer with the Planning staff to seek aid in the further development <br />of his property. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states that this time and date was supposed to be set aside for a <br />Public Hearing on the proposed change ordinance on drainage but that same had not <br />been advertised. Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Kenneth Barton and others appear before the <br />Board to cite problems they see in this new ordinance. It is generally agreed <br />that this matter will be deferred until April 23rd to allow for advertising prop- <br />erly and also to give the surveyors of Chesterfield County an opportunity to meet <br />with the Engineering Department to settle any major difficulties and to evaluate <br />the proposed ordinance. <br /> <br />The Board adjourns for lunch. <br /> <br />Reconvening: <br /> <br />75S013 <br /> <br />In Clover Hill Magisterial District, Mr. John O'Conner representing U. S. 360 <br />Associates requests a Conditional Use to permit the construction of two office <br />buildings on a two acre parcel fronting approximately 320 ft. on Hull Street Road <br />and being located approximately 1,200 ft. northeast of its intersection with <br />Walmsley Blvd. T. M. 39-12 (1) 8 (Sheet 14). <br /> <br /> <br />
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