Chester Intermediate School.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the County
<br />Attorney institute condemnation proceedings against the property owners listed
<br />below if the amounts offered by the County as set out opposite their names is
<br />not accepted. Be it further resolved that the County Administrator notify the
<br />said property owners by registered mail on April 28, 1975, of the intention of
<br />the County to enter upon and take the property which is to be the subject of the
<br />said condemnation proceedings. An emergency existing, this resolution shall be,
<br />and it is hereby declared in full force and effect immediately upon passage.
<br />
<br />Harry B. Wilkinson and Ruby B. Wilkinson
<br />Agnes E.'Spivey
<br />
<br />7032-6B $25.00
<br />7032-6B 25.00
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Krepela, it is resolved that the Chairman
<br />and the Clerk of this Board be and they hereby are authorized to sign an agreement
<br />with each of the following parties for the vacation of existing sewer easements
<br />and the acceptance of new easements.
<br />
<br />A. Lee Hanbury and Jewell G. Hanbury (his wife)
<br />
<br />Lucius F. Robinson and Dora Mae Robinson, his wife, and Lucille Robinson
<br />(Estate of Alice Robinson Fore)
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />Mr. Doug Woolfolk comes before the Board and states that since the cost for ex-
<br />tending the Midlothian Trunk is less than anticipated that the Colebrook Company
<br />be allowed to share proportionately in the savings. There is some discussion of
<br />this matter and it is generally agreed that the Engineering Department contact
<br />Mr~ Morris Mason, County Attorney, and present the Board with a firm recommenda-
<br />tion to this request.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Krepela, it is resolved that the follow-
<br />ing Water Contracts be and they hereby are approved:
<br />
<br /> 1. W75-30D Briarwood Hearth, Phase II
<br /> G. P. Clay Company
<br />
<br /> 2. W75-33D Spruce Avenue
<br /> Stamie E. Lyttle Co., Inc.
<br />
<br />Ayes:
<br />
<br />$4,223.25
<br />
<br />5,167.00
<br />
<br />Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />Mr. Welchons states that 18 of the 22 people in the Mt. Blanco area have signed
<br />contracts for water extension. He states the estimated cost is $37,000 and that
<br />Mr. Sloan has agreed to pay $12,500 when he develops his vacant property.
<br />
<br />Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Krepela,
<br />resolved that this extension of water to Mt. Blanco be and it hereby is approved
<br />subject to a contract with Mr. Sloan being consummated.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the follow-
<br />ing Sewer Contract be and it hereby is approved:
<br />
<br /> S75-19D Briarwood Hearth, Phase II $12,327.00
<br /> G. P. Clay Company
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Krepela, it is resolved that 15 sewer
<br />connections for the Bury Subdivision be and they hereby are approved.
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers., Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />On mdtion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the follow-
<br />ing contractors be given a time extension on their projects as listed:
<br />
<br />S73-23T
<br />S73-25T
<br />S73-30T
<br />S73-31T
<br />7032-10
<br />
<br />Davisco, Inc.
<br />W. C. English
<br />Stamie E. Lyttle Co., Inc.
<br />Stamie E. Lyttle Co., Inc.
<br />Roanoke Construction Company
<br />
<br />May 1, 1975
<br />July 10, 1975
<br />July 24, 1975
<br />July 24, 1975
<br />May 27, 1975
<br />
<br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela.
<br />
<br />Mr. Painter states that he has received a letter from Mr. Bassett in Salisbury
<br />for an extension of sewer. He states that Mr. Bassett and Mr. Shelton are will-
<br />ing to pay $2,500 each towards this cost. Mr. Painter states that this extension
<br />will cost approximately $12,000 and if both parties contribute as state d, the
<br />cost will be $7,000 to the County. Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion
<br />
<br />
<br />