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approved with the understanding that he will pay for the cost of the extension. <br />Ayes: Mr, Horner, Mr~ Myers, Mr, Apperson and Mr~ Krepela, <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states that he has been requested by Mr, Tamabdon for the County to <br />approve a sand filter for a septic tank in the same location, He states that <br />the Health Department insists that the Board approve such a request before they <br />will allow same to a private concern. Upon consideration whereof, it is on mo- <br />tion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Krepela 'resolved that this request be and it <br />hereby is approved. ' <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr, H0rner, Mr, Myers, Mr, Apperson and Mr. Krepela, <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that the Engineering Department has recommended approval of <br />the listed Sewer Contracts, Mr, Myers inquires how much will be County money. <br />Mr. Painter states that these contracts are all subject to the facilities con- <br />structed down stream and also subject to the State ~ater Control Board approval. <br />He states that there will be no C~unty money initially because the cost is en- <br />tirely at Brandermill's expense and any surplus of the bond fund will go toward <br />payzng the cost of the project, Mr. Painter states that he feels Brandermill <br />should be asked to sell bonds soon so that they can set up a fund because there <br />is no fund at this time, Mr. Krepela inquires if the County is lending Brander~ <br />mill money° Mr. Painter states that they have for the pumping station and soil <br />tests, etc, Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr. Myers, seconded <br />by Mr. Apperson, resolved that the following Sewer Contracts be and they hereby <br />are approved: <br /> <br />1. S75-11CD <br /> <br />East Reservoir Pump Station <br />Davisco, Incorporated <br /> <br />2. S75-12CD <br /> <br />East Reservoir Pump Station <br />(D±scharge to Nuttree Creek) <br />R, M. C, Contractors, Inc. <br /> <br />3. S75-46D <br /> <br />HUguenot Road 7-11 Store <br />Carter Bell Corporation <br /> <br />4. S75-42D <br /> <br />Belfair Village <br />Lewis H, Easter <br /> <br />5. S75-48D <br /> <br />Gleneagles, Phase I <br />Fred W. Barnes Construction Co. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela. <br /> <br />$142 455.00 <br /> <br />48,604.50 <br /> <br />2,914,00 <br /> <br />42,984.00 <br /> <br />38,744.75 <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that the developer would like to have a Sewer Developer Parti- <br />cipation Agreement approved. He states that the developer has agreed to pay $4,000 <br />towards the cost of extending Crooked Branch sewer to Kendale Acres. Upon con- <br />sideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Myers, re- <br />solved that this Sewer Developer Participation Agreement be and it hereby is ap- <br />proved. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the Chair- <br />man of this Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign two separate agreements <br />with Southern Railroad for sewer line crossings at 414 ft. west of M.P.F.-127 <br />and 1,591 ft. east of M.P.F.-127. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela. <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that the engineering for Crestwood Farms, Contract 7032-2A, has <br />been completed and that three condemnations are needed to serve two people who <br />want sewer, one of whom is not really too interested. He states that the other <br />person would like sewer extended to his home but that he is not experiencing any <br />problem at this time. Mr. French comes before the Board and states that they do <br />not need sewer in this particular area and they would prefer not to have it be- <br />cause they wo.uld not be able to build on the land once the lines are laid. Upon <br />consideration whereof, it is on motion of Mr, Krepela, seconded by Mr. Myers, re- <br />solved that the sewer line be deleted so that the condemnations are not necessary <br />for the Nesbit, French and Schools familes, <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela, <br /> <br />Mr. Painter states that the extension of sewer in Crestwood Farms to the rear of <br />houses on the west side of Bloomfield Road, the same being Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, <br />Block D, requires some condemnations and recommends the deletion of this line <br />because people do not want sewer. Upon consideration whereof, it is on motion <br />of Mr. Krepela, seconded by Mr, Myers, resolved that the sewer extension in Crest- <br />wood Farms to Bloomfield Road be and it hereby is deleted. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson and Mr. Krepela, <br /> <br /> <br />