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Present: <br /> <br />Mr. Irvin G. Horner, Chairman <br />Mr. Leo Myers, Vice-Chairman <br />Mr. J. Ruffin Apperson <br />Mr. A. J. Krepela <br />Mr. E. Merlin O'Neill <br /> <br />Mr. M. W. Burnett, Co. Admin. <br /> <br />VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the <br />Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, <br />held at the Courthouse on August 18, 1975, <br />at ~:00 <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />Mr. C. G. Manuel, Asst. Co. Admin. <br />Mr. Morris Mason, County Attorney <br />Mr. Robert Painter, County Engineer <br />Mr. Michael Ritz, County Planner <br />Mrs. Joan Smith, Secretary <br />Mr. David Welchons, Asst. Co. Eng. <br /> <br />The meeting is called to order by the Chairman. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that in looking at the five contracts to be considered, two <br />are not for Brandermill. Mr. Horner states that they all involve money for Clover <br />Hill and that is why they were deferred. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that the course of the development of this line has been a day <br />to day operation and adds that it began as a simple operation and now has become <br />enlarged with a pumping station already underway. He states that he feels morally <br />bound than the Board has obligated itself to serve this area, especially the Clover <br />Hill High School, which had sewage treatment plans of its own and was persuaded to <br />abandon these in lieu of the County's plan and theSchool has been waiting for the <br />County to come through. He states further that to abandon this would ' <br />waste money that has gone into the pumping station on Bailey Bridge Road and for <br />these reasons he makes a motion that these five contracts be approved. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers states that he feels the Board is obligated, also, and he is willing to <br />approve these projects as well but that he would like a resolution passed or re- <br />jected giving Bermuda District time to canvass the certain areas regarding sewer <br />installations and for funds to accomplish those projects which were included in <br />the bond issue should they get the necessary percentage to sign and introduces the <br />prepared resolution. <br /> <br />Mr. Mason and Mr. Burnett state some changes that should be made in the resolution <br />as proposed. <br /> <br />Mr. Myers states that he does not feel the five projects listed will get the needed <br />percentage but he does want to give the people the opportunity; that Walthall is <br />a business proposition for the County in the event industry develops in the area; <br />that he is having the Engineering Department prepare another letter regarding sewer <br />as the language in the letter senn previously was a little confusing; that sewer <br />has been promised in Bermuda District by two previous supervisors and he does not <br />want to be the third to sin by while other areas get sewer and not Bermuda; that <br />he will not spend anymore money than is absolutely necessary, etc. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that the entire resolution is directed towards Bermuda District <br />and that is non the only District in Chesterfield County. He states that Garland <br />Heights and Deerfield in his District are in bad need of sewer; discusses the in- <br />stallation of sewers in the Walthall area with future development in mind; and adds <br />that he will not vote for this resolution unless his two projects are included. He <br />inquires as to who is paying for Mr. Myer's counsel since this may be a conflict of <br />interest. Mr. Myers states that he is and Mr. John Pearsal states that Mr. Myers <br />has been sent a statement for services rendered. Mr. Apperson states that he was <br />curious since he had been told my Mr. Myers that counsel would not cost him a cent. <br />Mr. Apperson refers to the temporary treatment plant that Mr. Myers referred to. <br />Mr. Myers states that this project was a three-way split between Matoaca, Dale and <br />Bermuda; that he will be conservative and cut corners where possible; and that he <br />does not feel he has cut anyone short because he has gone along with all other <br />Board members when they recommended projects for approval in their districts. <br /> <br />Mr. Krepela discusses the Crestwood Farms situation and states they have not been <br />acted upon. Mr. Welchons states that one is awarded, one has been advertised and <br />the other they are working on at his request. Mr. Krepela explains that there is <br />a problem on Jahnke Road and inhibiting the traffic flow while constructing sewer <br />lines. Mr. Apperson withdraws his motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Homer inquires if Mr. Apperson intends to present a resolution reserving money <br />for his district, will reasonable costs per connection be considered, and is this <br />bonded money to which they are speaking or estimated cost. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson states that he would like to make an amendment to Mr. Myers' resolu- <br />tion. Mr. Myers states that when the figures are too high for the percentage <br />signing, he will try to get a better percentage thus lowering the cost per connect- <br />tion and that this ms estimated cost. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Apperson, the following resolution is pro- <br />posed for adoption: <br /> <br /> <br />