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10-22-75 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
10-22-75 Minutes
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Last modified
12/29/2003 1:28:04 PM
Creation date
4/30/2003 8:17:31 PM
Board of Supervisors
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Meeting Date
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that this realignment will have no effect on the funds received for roadway im- <br />provements in the County. Mr. Ritz presents and explains the maps realigning <br />the roads in the County. <br /> <br />Mr. Oliver Rudy comes before the Board and states that he feels a progress report <br />from Camp 13 would benefit the people in the County. He introduces Mr. Robert <br />Land,n, Director of Adult Servicesj and Mr. Rudy Guillen~ Administrative Director <br />for Classification Services, both of whom are with Pocahontas, Unit 13 facility. <br />Mr. Landon states that they have assessed what is at Camp 13 since the escapes <br />that happened within the last few years. He states they are in the process of <br />moving the excess people waiting for trials~ are moving the hard-core criminals <br />to other locations, are trying to eliminate the drug problem by the installation <br />of a fence around the facility, they have established 24 hour perimeter checks <br />and they are going to replace the ~ mile sound siren with a $ or 4 mile siren. <br />He states that they are trying and would like to be good neighbors in the com- <br />munity. <br /> <br />Mr. Guillen states that they have reclassified approximately 50 of the hard-core <br />type criminals under the new program and they are taking affirmative steps to <br />remedy the situation and they would like the support of the Board. There is some <br />further discussion of the Camp 13 situation and the Board generally discusses <br />the citizens' feelings regarding Camp 13 and the amount of escapes which occur. <br /> <br />The Board thanks the representatives of Camp 13 for their concern and for the <br />progress report given. <br /> <br />There is more discussion of the federal aid system for realigning the roads in the <br />County. Mr. Hornet inquires why Rt. 288 and Powhite are not included. Mr. <br />Covington states that this is supposed to be a realistic picture of what will <br />happen by 1985. Upon consideration of the matter, it is on motion of Mr. Apper- <br />son, seconded by Mr. Myers, resolved that this matter be deferred two weeks to <br />allow the supervisors time to evaluate the proposed system since this is the <br />first time this has been brought to their attention. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Homer, Mr. Myers, Mr, Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />Mr. Homer introduces the teachers and fourth grade students from Grange Hall who <br />are studying Government this year. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states that he has received a letter from the Highway Department <br />stating that the requested study of the speed limit on Courthouse Road from the <br />intersection of Genito Road and Courthouse Road has been completed which study <br />resulted in the fact that a reduction of the speed limit is not justified at <br />this time. <br /> <br />There was read a letter from Mr. Covington concerning Tall Pine Road and the <br />resolution of September 10, 1975, authorizing its improvement. It states that <br />he has made no estimate of the cost of this road and the backlog of work will <br />prevent any such work until the Spring of 1976. <br /> <br />Mr. Burnett states that he has received a letter from Mr. Covington stating that <br />the Highway Department will not install any further signs showing the location <br />of the Chesterfield County Airport unless there are justifiable complaints. <br /> <br />Whereas, Whitepine Road in the Industrial Park of the Chesterfield County Airport <br />Complex has been constructed to its present hardsurfaced condition by County <br />funds; and <br /> <br />Whereas, there is currently $1,000,000 in buildings housing manufacturing enter- <br />prises on Whitepine Road, with an estimated traffic use of 128 cars and 27 trucks <br />some of which make several trips per day; 100 people .are currently employed at <br />these locations and the prospects of expansion are great; and <br /> <br />Whereas, Whitepine Road seriously needs further improvement. <br /> <br />Now, therefore, be it resolved on motion of Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. O'Neill, <br />that this Board of Supervisors requests the Highway Department to use Industrial <br />Access funds to improve Whitepine Road. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Homer, Mr. Myers, Mr. Appersonj Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Apperson, seconded by Mr. Krepela, it is resolved that Mr. Cov- <br />ington be requested to suggest an amount to spend on Stanwix Road in Barton <br />Heights to bring same to all weather status. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Horner, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Myers, it is resolved that the Highway <br />Department be and it is hereby requested to make a new traffic count study on <br />East River Road at the intersection of Sheffield Place and Lee Street and Chester- <br />field Avenue, especially during the hours of ingress and egress of the students <br />and workers at Virginia State College. <br /> <br />Ayes: Mr. Homer, Mr. Myers, Mr. Apperson, Mr. Krepela and Mr. O'Neill. <br /> <br /> <br />
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