VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the Board
<br />of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, held at
<br />the Courthouse on January 19, 1966, at 2:00 p.m,
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />Mm. Irvin G.Horner, Chairman
<br />Rlr. H. T. Goyne
<br />Mr.R.J. Britton
<br />Kr. J.Ruffin Apperson
<br /> Mr. H .O.Browning
<br /> i~r. A.R. Martin
<br />
<br />Absent: None
<br />
<br />Mr .Ernest P.Gates, Com,.Atty.
<br />Rir. Robt. A.Painter, Co. Engineer
<br />Mr. Howard A. May~, Jr. Co. Planner
<br />Mr. F~.W.Burrett, Exec. Seedy.
<br />
<br />This day there were presented to this Board the following bids for sale of the
<br />~10,000,O00 School Bonds of Chesterfield County, Virginia, dated February 1, 1966
<br />which were received at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, on the 19th day of
<br />January, 1966, at the office of the~State Commission on Local Debt of the Common-
<br />wealth of Virginia, Room Number 228, Finance Building, Capitol Square, Richmond~
<br />Virgi ni a.
<br />
<br />Phelps, Fenn & Co., F.7.Craigie & Co., Inc. and Associates, ~chool bonds ~mturing
<br />1967 to.1969, both' inclusive, at 5 per centum, school bonds maturing 1970 to 1980,
<br />both inclusive, at 3.~0 per centum, school bonds maturing 1981 to 1986, both
<br />inclusiVe, at 3-1/2 per centum, the sum of Ten Million, Nine Hundred and 00/100
<br />Dollars {$10,000~900.00) at an effective interest rate of 3o49~8. per centum;
<br />
<br />The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., Manager and Associates, school bonds maturing
<br />1967 to'1970, both inclusive, at ~.50 per centum, school bonds maturing 1971 to
<br />1979, both inclusive, at 3.~O per centum, school bonds maturing 1980 to 1986;
<br />both inclus.lve, at 3~'50 per centum, the sum of Ten Million ]rive Hundred --No]lO0
<br />Dollars ($10,OO0,500.00)) at an effective interest rate of 3.50857 per centum.
<br />
<br /> First National City Bank and Associates, school bonds maturing 1967 to 1969~both
<br />inclusive, at 4-1/2 per centum, school bonds mturing 1970 to t98Z~, both inclusive,
<br />at 3-1/2 per centum, school bonds maturing 1985 to 1986, both inclusive, at 3.60
<br />per centum, the sum of Ten Million, four thousand, three hundred and no/lO0 Dollars
<br />(~10,00~,3OO.OO) at an effective interest rate of 3.5~30 per centum.
<br />
<br />Harris Trust & Savings Bank, ~lerrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., Joint
<br />Managers and Ass~ates, school bonds maturing 1967 to 1970,both inclusive, at
<br />5 per ce~tum, school bonds maturing 1971 to 1979, both inclusive, at 3.~O per centum,
<br />school bonds maturing 1980 to 1986, both inclusive, at 3-1/2 per centum, the sum
<br />of T n Million Fourteen Thousaand Two Hundred and CO/10G Dollars{~lO,Ol~,2OO.OO)
<br />at an effective interest rate of 3.5193 per centum;
<br />
<br />Drexel & Co. and Associates, school bonds maturing 1967 to 1970, both inclusive,
<br />at 5.20 per centum, school bonds maturing 1971 to 198t, both inclusive, at 3.~O
<br />per centum, school bonds maturing 1982 to 1986, both inclusive, at 3.50 per centum;
<br />the sum of Ten Million One Thousand One Hundred Fifty & 00/100 Dollars(~lO,OOl,~lSO.OO)
<br />at an effective interest rate of 3.527~ per centum;
<br />
<br />~',']orsa[ Guaranty Trust ComDany of New York and Associates, school bonds maturingf-'
<br />[96~ to 1969, $oth inclus[ve-~, at ~-5/8 per centum, school bonds maturin~ 1970
<br />198Z~, both inclusive, at 3-1/2 per centum, school bonds maturing 1985 t$ 1986,both
<br />inclusive, at 3..60 per centum, the sum of Ten I%illion Three Hundred Seventeen and
<br />NO/lO0 Dollars (~lO,O00,317.O0)at an effective interest rate of 3.550&1~
<br />
<br />Halsey, Stuart & Go.Inc., Smitty, Barney & Co., Incorporated and Associates,
<br />school bonds maturing 1967 to 1970, both inclusiff, e, at 5 p.r centum, school tends
<br />maturing 1971 to 1979, both inclusive, at 3.~0 ter centum, school bonds maturing
<br />1980 to 1986, both inclusive, at 3.50 per centum, the sum of Ten Million, One
<br />Eundred Dollars and No/lO0 Dollars (:~10,000,I00.O0) at an effective inferest rate
<br />of 3.53276 per centum.
<br />
<br />The following resolution was introduced by ,i.j.~i~'~on,~ ~ , seco~i.=,- by. J.!hffin
<br />Apperson, an¢ ;.~dopted by t'>'~,,:,:~ fol. low'~n~ vote:
<br />
<br />AYES: Irvin G. Homer NAYS: None
<br /> H. T. Ooyne
<br /> R. J. i~.ri tton
<br /> J.Ruff]n Ap?rson
<br /> H.O.Brown~
<br /> A.K.Ihartin
<br />
<br />?[hereas, the abovementioned and named bids w<~r", ~--'.,~,,~.s day. rec~v~:,d~ ,~,. by this
<br />
<br /> Th~ rid submitted by Phelss. Fcnn :'. Co.. F2¢. Crai::ia,. iq c,:.Ihc., and As:,o¢iates:
<br /> for th~': afores~-~id ~,~{10,006 scbco] bon,~!$ matur:~n.6'"':',~br:~a:'} !,
<br /> beth i~clusive~ at 3.~,0 p3r cantum, ~3~CO0~OOO sc~oot bonds maturing{
<br />'.~ to 1986, }.otk inclusive, at 3-i/2 n~r.' centum, !:,?~e sum oi Tar: }iii!
<br /> O0/lOC ~o!!ars{.~iO~O00~900.O0} at an effectiv::; int.,.:rast r{;t:.:
<br />
<br />
<br />