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Present: <br /> <br />VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the Board <br />of Supervisors of ChesterfieldOom~ty,~ held at <br />the Courthouse on March 24, 1966 at 2:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Irvin G.Horner, Chairman <br />Mr. k. T. Goyne <br />Mr. R. J.Britton <br />Mrs. J.Ruffin Apperson <br />Mr. Herbert O.Browning <br />Mr. A. R. Martin <br /> <br />Mr. Ernest P.Gates, Corem,Atty. <br />Mr. Oliver Rudy, Asst. Corem. Atty. <br />N~r.Howard A. Mayo, Jr. Co. Planner <br />Mr. Robt. A. Painter, Co. Engineer <br />Mr. M. W.Burnett, Exec. Sec'y. <br /> <br /> This being the day advertised for a public hearing._ on the q,~estion of fluoridating_ <br /> the County's water supply, the Chairman asked tha~ ali those wisping to speak on <br /> the question to register. <br /> <br /> R~' Henry Williams of the Chester Jaycees presents a list of organizations endorsing <br /> fluoridation and presents 35 people who are present and in f~vor of this program. <br /> worseDr'~m°rethan°fintheRichmond.Stste Health Department states that caries in ~Chesterfieid are much <br /> andDr' well-treated~°rman Rutter,fromPUbliCall aspects. Health Dentist~ states that fluoridation is safe~ effective <br /> Dr. Nuckols~ a resident of the County and ~ Professor of Denistry, read a paper in <br /> endorses support offluoridation.fluoridation and states 'that every National Public Health organization <br /> ~r. Herndon Jenkins, Chemist, with A.H.Robins Company, states that <br /> is often a natural occurence and man shouldonly control t~e amount fluoridation <br /> Pr.Woods, Dentist in the County, speaks for fluoridation, of fluoridation. <br /> Mr. Curtis Moorefield, an Auditor living in. Bon Air speaks a~ai~t fluoridation <br /> and cites many sources of evidence against the proposal. <br /> Dr.~alte~~. ~ ~Ki!b°urne, Dentist from Chester, speaks in favor of fluoridation. <br />Lro. J.S.~hackleton speaks against fluoridation and cites Lhe fact that ray poison <br />is made of fluorides, that fluoride is accumulative and vhat fluoridation causes <br />arthritis. <br />Dr. Harman, practicing Dentist, s~aks for fluoridation. <br />Dr. ~[illiam Grossman, Petersburg pediatrician, endorses fluoridation and s tares <br />it in0irectly helps~ elderly people as well as you~ people, that we deal in poison <br />each day in controlled quantities sn~ no adverse effect from fluorides had ever been <br />proven. <br />~'~. Lewis M.,~alker, II~, active in the Petersburg Jaycess, states that a person <br />would have to drink 16~000 glasses of ~er per day to receive a lethal dose of <br />fluoride. <br />i¥1rs. Dorothy Armstrong says that fluoridation will not take away her rights but <br />will gi~e freedom from ever-increasin'~ dentist bills caused by the new sugars. <br />N~rs. Dale F~cCants states that 87 members of the Chester Junior ~oman's Club are <br />infarct of fluoridation. <br /> . ~,uckol~ refutes some cf the arg~ents raised by t:he opponents and states that. <br />thereis no legal reason to chsll,~nge the authority of the Board of oupe~.v <br />taking action on this question. '~ ~ .... <br />,.r~.~. Nartin states that very seldom do we ~ave the opportunity to enact measles ' <br />that will be of such g ~ + <br /> r,,a~ benefit to the people. <br />}{r. Apperson states that the F.D.~t. has endorsed fluoridation. <br />i~9.6ot,.~n~ thanks the Press for its coverage and thanks the people for expressing <br />their opinions. <br />Upon consideration ~hereof, and on motion of Nir.Britton~ seconded by ?r. 21artin~ <br />it is resolved that the following ordinance be and it hereby is adopted: <br /> <br /> ~N 01~DI?L~NCE to amend Sect. 13-1 of The Code of ~hesterfield, <br /> Virginia, by, providing for ~,h~-~ direction of the County H~th~ TM <br /> Dep~tment to introduce fluorine into the County's water' system. <br /> <br /> BE iT ORD~.~INED BY THE BOARS C,~' SUP~ViOOy~S Of THai COUNTy OF <br /> GHES?m~Pi ELD, ~It~Gt NIA: <br /> <br /> · na~ ~ect. 13-1.1 of the Code of the Counvy of~hes,~rz~ld,+~ ~" Virginia~ , <br />be amended by adding four new sections to be known as Sect. 13,i.1 Sect. z~-l.s <br />t3-~.3 and lj,!~ as follows: ' ~'~ <br /> <br />oect mon 13-~.I. <br /> <br /> Upon receiving the permit from tke itat, e [~epartment or H~alth and ~ <br />further d~rection of ~he 8card of Supervisor ~ the Utilities Department of <br />~es%er~leid County is hereby authorized and directed to [~roviae the ~'esns smd ~o <br />proceed with the introduction of sodium fluoride oF other suitable salt or acid <br />of fluorine into the water supply in suck ~uan~ities ss are required to ~aintain <br />throue~eut the p~pe distribution system a ['luoridation concentration Of ~puroximateiy <br />one part per million. ~ .- - <br /> <br />See. 13-1.2, <br /> <br /> The Utilities Der~artment sh~il keep an accurate daily record showing fo~ <br />each supply the number of gallons t reated~ the fluoride concentration of the water <br />before and after treatment.. Said department shall also determine the fluoride io~ <br />concentration in the distribution system ag such ~oints ~nd at such intervals as <br />may be directed by the County H~alth Department. <br /> <br /> <br />