VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the
<br />Board of Supervisor~ of .,~hesterfleld County
<br />held at the Courthouse on May 26, 1966, at
<br />2:00 p.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />Mr. Irvin G. Hornet, Chairman
<br />Mx. H. T. Goyne
<br />Ivy. R. J.Britton
<br />~. J.Ruffin Apperson
<br />Mr. Hebert O.Browning
<br />Mr. A.R. Martin
<br />
<br />Mr, Ernest P.Gates, Corem.Atty.
<br />Mr. Oliver D. Rudy, Asst..Comm. Atty.
<br />Mr. Howard A. Mayo, Jr. Co. Planner
<br />Mr. William Schremp, Asst.Co.Eng.
<br />Mr. M. W.Burnett, Exec. Sec'y.
<br />Mr. John E. Longmire, Asst.
<br />
<br />Mr. Sarvay, speaking fdr a delegation of citizens from the Bon Air School area,
<br />comes before the Board opposing the construction of Rattlesnake Road, between
<br />Pulliam Street and Jimmy Winters Road, and presented two petitions in opposition
<br />tothis project. Much discussion ensued concerning the merits of chaneling traffic
<br />on Polk Street,, which purportedly would endanger the children to Bon Air School.
<br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of ~[r.I"(artin, seconded by Mr. Goy~e, it
<br />zs resolved that this Board requests the Highway Department to ~udy the roads in
<br />the area with a view to posting the necessary speed limits and the flow of traffic
<br />to insure the safety of the children and citizens of the area.
<br />On motion cf Mr. Martin, seconaea by Mr.Browning, it is resolved that this Board
<br />requests the Hibhway Department tkat when said Ra~,t=ssnake ROad is constructed
<br />that, a sidewalk be constructed on one side for pedestrian traffic° ~.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Martin, seconded by i~r. Goyne, it is r'esolw~,d that this
<br />recuests the Highway Department to give an estimate of the cost; of constructin~
<br />Rattlesnake Roa~, 0etween McRae and Lancroft Road.
<br />
<br />On motion of I:'tr. Martin, seconded by i'(r.Bro¥~,ning, it is resolv.-d that t. hi~ Roar.:]'
<br /> ~-,,.~ ..... r~ the Polic~ Department to en.~orce
<br />between Iv[c~ae ~ Pullia~ Street.
<br />
<br /> L. Pzllin. ss, of !~iidlothian '""'"riot, ....... :~ b~ £ore thc. ;-:care r:.~l..:estinc~
<br />e Var!anco from tha Subdiviqicn Ordir~anc~ tc al]o-, ~'Lm to construct a a, accnd .a -':',~ _
<br />on his ?operty to be usect by .'.:issJonar] es vistim'~ ~:~e F:ichmond area. The :''-~ 'ling
<br />is to be located along with Mr. Billing:s' kome on a 1.3 acre lot.
<br />Dr; b~m.T.Ham, a neighbor off Mt. Billings app~ared in opposition bo the v:'mz, r, osai,
<br />stating that such a project would devalue his pro~;erty and be detrimental' to the
<br />privacy of his home. ' ' -
<br />~Ir.F~rl Taylor, s nearby landowner, comes before the Board with many ouestions
<br />about the proposed dwelling. '
<br />i,~r. Daniel Williams, suggested that the Board view the p~perty.
<br />Upon ~nsiaeration wher~f, and bn motion of ivlr. lKarti~ sec~.nd~a by Mt. Browning,
<br />it is resolved that this ~ter be deferred until June 1966. ~
<br />
<br />Mr. Crawley Joyner appeared before the Board to request a Variance .from the
<br />Subdivision Ordinance to allow the, construction of a home on less than 150 feet
<br />frontage on a State approved road.
<br />Up,an consideration whereof, and on motion of ~L~. kartin, seconded by Mr.Oovne,
<br />it is resolved that due to the location of the home on the western side of' the
<br />lot facing on arsenal Drive, which ~ouse would eliminate any change in lot lines
<br />to give additional frontage, that a Variance be granted to allow the construction
<br />on the fifth lot from Cid Gun Road, lying on the south side of Arsenal I]rive and
<br />having a frontage of 72.01' feet.
<br />
<br />The matter of a Sales Tax comes before the Board and Mr. Goyne makes the following
<br />motion, ~hic'h was seconded by ~ir. Britton:
<br />
<br /> That the ordinance hereinafter set out was proposed for
<br /> passage, and the Same, together with the following notice,
<br /> was ordered to be published.
<br />
<br />
<br /> NOTICE is hereby given that at the re?ular ~eting of the Board of
<br />Supervisors of Chesterfield County, Virginia, held in the [,ourthouse a~ ~he ..... -
<br />filed, Virginia on t~lay 26, 1966, the ordinance hereinafter set out was proposed
<br />for passage, and the Clerk of the said Board was directed to cause much ordinance
<br />to be p~olished once a week for two successive wee'ks in a newspaper published in
<br />Richmond~ Virginia, (having general circulation in ~?~e county), roger, bet with
<br />notice that the said Board will hold a public '~a -~ .-~ '
<br /> .... r~ne: on such ordinance at
<br />2:00 o~clock an adjourned meetin~ of the said Board to be held is.the
<br />Souz'tl~ouse at ?h~.~a~ ~ · nia ~ --, 2~ ~966 commencing at
<br /> .............. ~ '/~rgi ~ Orl ; 0~
<br />P.K. The ordinance w~iok :rs prou, oGer] flor p, assa~.tte at +~'~- time ma as ,.~..:_:o,,~.
<br />
<br />
<br />