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Present: <br /> <br />Mr. Irvin G.Horner, Chairman <br />Mr. H. T. Goyne <br />Nr.R.J.Britton <br />Mr. J.Ruffin Apperson <br />Mr. Herbert O.Browning <br />~4r. A.R. Martin <br /> <br />VIRGINIA: At a regular ad.iourned meeting of <br />the Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County <br />held at the Courthouse on June 23. 1966, at <br />2: O0 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Oliver D.Rudy,Comm. Atty. <br />Mr. Howard A. Mayo, Jr. Co. Planner <br />Mr. Robt. A. Painter, Co. Engineer <br />Nit. JohnD.Williams, Lic. Inspector <br />Mr. M.W.Burnett,Exec. Sec'y. <br />~[r. John E. Longmire, Asst. <br /> <br /> On motion ofMr. Goyne, seconded by Mr. Britton, it is resolved that the minutes <br />: of June 8 and 13, 1966, be and they hereby are approved. <br /> <br />This being the day advertised for a public hearing on the question of a Local <br />County Sales Tax in Chesterfield County the Chairman asked that all those wishing <br />to speak on the question to come ~.orwar~. <br /> <br />Mr. Oates McCullen speaks against the Sales Tax, stating that since Stafford County <br />had not adopted a Sales Tax,' therefore, Chesterfield will not stand alone in failing <br />to do so. <br />Mr. Henry Knabe of ~iidlothian District speaks against the Sales Tax and presents a <br />petition signed by approximately 500 citizens of the area opposing the adoption of <br />a Sales Tax. <br />Mr. A.J.Shoosmith, representing the Virginia Con~ervativ~ Party, Chesterfield ~ <br />~ommittee, speaks against the Sales Tax stating that the.=citiz~ns are now being <br />ov er taxed. <br />Mr. James Rush opposes the Sales Tax and states that he would rather see an increase <br />in Real Estate Taxes. <br />Mr.A.G.Rouzie speaks against the Sales Tax, stating that it is illegal to overtax <br />the citizens. <br />~r. Raymond Havenor, speaks against the Tax, stating that senior citizens and young <br />married couples '~ill be hurt by this type of Tax. <br />Fir. Richard Gayle speaks against the Sales Tax and states he wants no changes in <br />the Tax System. <br />~lrs. Dorothy ~rmstrong speaks in favor of the Tax and states that the Board should <br />plan for changes rather than adapt to changes. Mrs. Armstrong further states <br />that citizens want schools, parks, open spaces, libraries, etc. all of which take <br />additiona i monies. <br />Mr.J.J.Jewett'speaks in opposition to a Sales Tax, wanting the County to wait for <br />the people's reaction hoping that the State will take off tax at the next General <br />Assembly. <br />R~rs. Elsie Elmore, sDeaks in favor of the tax, statin~ also that the citizens <br />want libraries, schools, etc. ~trs. Elmore further states that she thinks it is <br />unfair that the machinery tax is lower than that in the surrounding area, and <br />stresses the importance of local authority. <br />Mr. Leo ~4yers speaks in favor of the Tzx, stating that since %he State has cast <br />the die and a need exists for vocational education and otherproposed County <br />programs, ~?~t now is the time to adjust our taxes. <br />Mr. Apperson asks that all those present opposing the enactment of a 1¢ Sales Tax, <br />please stand. <br />T,~w~enty persons of the approximately 35 stand in opposition. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereof, Mr. R~artin moves: That Chesterfield County adopt <br />the 1¢ ~ales Tax, which motion was seconded by ~4r.Goyne. In the discussion that <br />followed, Mr.Apperson moves: That the matter be laid upon the table. A vote being <br />taken on the substitute motion, Mr. Apperson votes Yea, all other Board members <br />vote Nay. <br /> <br />Mr. Irvin Horner reads a letter from Mr. Thomas B.Philli~s , Chairman, Chesterfield <br />Committee of ~Virginia Conservative Party, which letter states that it is <br />irresponsible to impose a tax when the governing body does not know the amount that <br />will be collected. <br />Chesterfield should not adopt this Tax just to get on the bandwagon, it is the <br />Committee's feeling that s~ch a tax promotes apathy on the part o~ the citi~.ens. <br /> <br />Mr. Apperson amends the original motion as follows: Section 3. Effective date <br />of this Ordinanca This Ordinance shall be effective ~5 days after the costs <br />from the t966-~67 school budget be restored. A vote being taken on this motion, <br />Mr. ADperson votes Yea, all other Board members vote Nay. <br /> <br />Mr. ADperson amends the original motion as follows: Section 3, Effective date of <br />this Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be in effect &5 days after consent for the <br />ordinance is obtained by the Consultants of annexation, k vote being taken - <br />Mr.ApDerson votes Aye, all other BOard members vote Nay. <br /> <br />Mr. apperson amends the original motion as follows: Section 3. Effectiwe Date <br />of this Ordinance. The effective date of this ordinance shall be &5 days <br />after th re is no anticipated surplus in the budget forecast for the next <br />budget year. A vote being taken, on this motion, Mr. ADperson votes Aye. All <br />other Board members vote Nay. <br /> <br /> <br />