VIRGINIa: At an adjourned meeting of the
<br />Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County,
<br />held at the Courthouse on July 28, 1966, at
<br />2:00 p.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />~ir. Irvin G.Horner, Chairman
<br />Mr. H. T. Goyne
<br />~,ir. R. J.Bri~ton
<br />~!r~ J.Ruffin Apperson
<br />Rjr. Herbert O.Browning
<br />Mr. A. R. Martin
<br />
<br />~k. Oliver D.Rudy, Comm.Atty.
<br />Mr. Robt. Painter, Co. Eng.
<br />Er. Leslie Brooks, ~.Vater Supt.
<br />Mr. M. W.Burnett, Exec. Sec'y.
<br />Mr. John E. Longmire, Asst.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.Britton, seconded by Mr. ADperson the following resolution was
<br />adopted: '
<br />
<br /> WHE~E~S, James E.Cannon, Doris W.Cannon, ~lartha l~'~cNeil, James E. Homing,
<br />Ruth A. Horning, Charles E.Bailey, Brenda L.Bai!ey, Jeff Hanna, Sole Acting
<br />Trustee and the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Richmond, Virginia,
<br />lienholder, are all of the owners and tienholders of Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5, Block
<br />,,A~, Plan of "Bolton Heights", Manchester District, Chesterfield County,Virginia,
<br />as shown on a plat made by John H.Foster, Certified Surveyor, dated September 22~
<br />1950, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Cotrt of Chesterfield County,
<br />Virginia, in Plat Book 8, at pa~e 174, and
<br /> WHEREAS, said owners and lienholders have petitioned this Board to vacate.
<br />and abandon the 16 foot easement for f,~ture alley, as shown on said plat of Bolton
<br />Heights; and~
<br />
<br /> WHEREAS,. the proposed vacation and abandonment will not interfere with any
<br />rights of any othar parties not consenting thereto;
<br />
<br /> NOW, THEREFQRE, WITNESSETH: That tBe Board of Supervisors does hereby
<br />approve the vacation of the 16 foot easement for future alley, as shown on said
<br />plat of Boiton Heights; and t~e declaration of vac~.~tion and abandonment exhibited
<br />with tha petition herein shall be recorded in said Clerk's Office, and said Clerk
<br />shall indicate the vacation on the margin of the recorded plan of Bolton Heights,
<br />recorded in said Clerk's Office, in Plat Book 8, page 17~, and shall enter the
<br />same on the GrantorSide of the General Index of Deeds in the names of the parties
<br />beret o.
<br />
<br />Mt. Gilbert Picardat comes before the Board expressing great displeasure at the
<br />~Vater Department for ma[ing a water flow test in front of his Laundermat, thereby
<br />causing dirty water to come into the machines and requested some redress for his
<br />damages. The Commonwealth's Attorney states t~at the County may have breached
<br />its contract to serve good, potable water, however, the proper bill was not befor~
<br />the Board and states f~rther that he would discuss this m~tter with Mr. Picardat.
<br />
<br />There was read a resolution from the Richmond ~rea Community Council urging the
<br />Bca rd of Supervisors of Chesterfield County to join with Henrico County and the
<br />City of Richmond in the establishment of a Regional Park Authority.
<br />Mr. Zane Da. vis, the County's representative, to the Regional Planning Commission,
<br />speaks for the cooperation of Chesterfield in setting up a Regional Park Authority,
<br />citing the fact that we should set aside land now for the future and th~ land ~an
<br />be purchased cheaper at this time.
<br />Mt. Robert Horn, Director of the Regional Planning Commis~sion, answers questions
<br />concerning the operation of such a Regional Park Authority,
<br />Mr. Goyne states that there is no demand in the County for such a facility.
<br />Mr.~.artin states that the proposal is noble but it will not work.
<br />Mr.. rowning states that Pocahontas Park :is within easy reach of ever. y citizen
<br />in ~he County.
<br />Mr.A~person and R~r. Britton s~eak strongly in favor of the proposal.
<br />Whereupon, ~,~. Britt on makes'the following motion: That this Board a~rees to join
<br />~ith Henrico .and the City of Richmond to study the procedures and plans for
<br />setting up a ~egionai Park Authority.
<br />Mr. Apperson seconds this motion.
<br />In answer to the question, Mr.Britton and Mr. Apperson vote Aye.
<br />Mr. Martin, Mr. Browning and Mr. Goyne vote Nay.
<br />
<br />It was generally agreed that the County's appropriation to the Richmond Regional
<br />Planning Commission and the method of collecting data for traffic studies would
<br />be discussed at the next meeting of the Board.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Goyne, seconded by ~.Oritton, it is resolved that tha minutes of
<br />July 13 ~.~. and they hereby are approved.
<br />
<br />There was cited a request from the Midlothian Fire Department for "Stop and Go"
<br />light on Rt.60 in front of the fire station to facilitate the operation of fire
<br />trucks and heavy traffic. It was generally agreed that this n~tter be discussed
<br />with Mr. Lancaster at the next meeting of theBoard.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Britton,seconded by Mr.Apperson, it is resolved that the Agreement
<br />between John C. Goddin and the County of Chestefield for the maintaining of
<br />certain r~ghts of way beand it hereby is approved and the Chairman and Clerk
<br />
<br />
<br />