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Yeas : Mr. Irvin G.Horner, I.k~.H.T.Goyne, I,~r.Stanley R.Hague, Jr., <br /> 1,1r. R.J.Britton, Mr.H.K.Hagerman and 1.~r. Marshall F. Driskill. <br /> <br /> Nays: None <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, Virgir .a: <br /> <br /> · 1. The attached resolution, marked "Exh~bit A,,,~h?rs. tofor~e ado.~pted <br />by the CountySchool Board of Chesterfield County on the 16th ~ay ox Aprm±, 195 , <br />is hereby at, proved. <br /> 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the County School Board of Chesterfield <br />County, Virginia, held at the School Board Building at Chesterfield Court <br />House, Virginia, at 8:00 p.m. on the 16th day of April, 195~. <br /> <br /> Present: W.H. Jones, Jr., G.L.Crump, R.P.Eagles,and I,.irs. Florenc <br /> Lyne. <br /> <br /> Absent: C.~.Wells and C.E.Curtis, Sr. <br />On motion of Mrs. Florence Lyne, seconded by il.P.Eagles, the following resoluti <br />~as adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: W.H.Oores, Jr'. G.L.Crump, R.P.Eagles and l~lrs. Flcrence <br /> Lyne. <br /> <br /> Nays: None <br /> BE IT iCESOD7 ~;b BY THE COUNTY SCHOOL BO~{D OF CHESTerFieLD COUNTY, <br />VIRL~NIA , AS FOLLOWS: <br /> That paragraph 1 of the resolution adopted at an adjourned <br />of theSchool Board on the 20th day of March, 1~8, authorizing the is~uanc~e <br />of Four 1, iillion Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($&,500,O00) School Bonus ox <br />Chesterfield County, Virginia, be amended to read as follows: <br /> 1. Pursuant to the election heretofor'e duly held in Chesterfield <br />County, Virginia, on the 15th day of October, 1957, the Order of the Circuit <br />Court of the County of Chesterfield, Virginia, certified copy of which Order <br />has been presented to this Board, there shall be issued Four }~',illion Five <br />Hundred ThousandDollars (~4,500,000) SchoolBonds of Chesterfield County, <br />Virginia. Said borfl s shall be dated June first, 1958, shall be of the <br />denomination of One Thousand Dollars (~1,000) each, shall be numbered from <br />1 to 4500 inclusive, shall be payable serially in numerical order, wit~hout <br />option of prior Chesterfield_County, Two Hundred Twenty-Five <br />Thousand Dollars (~225,000) bonds on June first in each of the years 1959 to <br />1978¥ inclusive, and shall bear interest, payable semi-annually June first and <br />Be cember first of ~ac~ year at st~h rate or rates as may be fixed upon the <br />sale of the bonds; provided, however, that no rate named shall exceed <br />five per centum (5~] per annum. Said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman <br />of the County School Board of Chesterfield County, countersigned by the Clerk <br />of said Board and sealed with the seal of said Board, and the coupons attached <br />to said bonds shallbear the facsimile signatures of said officers, which are <br />hereby adopted as a due and proper authenticition of said coupons. Both <br /> principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the <br /> in Richmond, Virginia. Said <br /> Uonds shall be registered as to principal only on books to be kept by the <br /> County Treasurer as Registrar or by such other office~ who may be designated <br /> to act as registrar fr~m time to tine , by resolution of the County School <br /> Ail resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be, <br /> and the same are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict herewith. <br /> This resolution shall take effect immediately. <br /> <br />Thisday the County Engir~er reported to the Board that the water supply mixht <br />be son, what short due to the flushinf,; out of the new tank~ and several <br />tie-ins to be made in the expansion of the County's water system. He reporte¢ <br />also that the new water filtration plant expansion would probably be ready for <br />use on or about May 5, 195~. Upon.consideration whereof, and on motion of <br />Mr. Britton, secor~ed by }~.Driskill, it is resolved that the County Engineer <br />be and he hereby is authorized to write the City of Richmond seeking to secure <br />an extension of the water contract between the City of Rici~mond and the County <br />of Chesterfield. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Ha~ue, seconded by ~,~r. Goyne, it is resolvea that this Board <br />appr~e the request of the Central Chesterfield Ruritan ~Dlub for the use of <br />the Chesterfield Fair Grouters for a brunswick stew on the ~th cf July. <br /> <br /> <br />