VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the
<br />Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield
<br />County, held at theCourthouse on October
<br />1958, at 7:30 p.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />Mr. Irvin G.Horner, Chairman
<br />Mr. H. T. Goyne
<br />~4r. R. J.Britton
<br />Mr. Stanlev R. Hague, Jr.
<br />Mr. H.K. Hagerman
<br />Mr. Marshall F.Driskill
<br />
<br />This day a delegation came before the Board from the Morrisdale area presenting
<br />a petition signed by some forty people citing the fact that the water in the
<br />area was not suitable for household uses. Whereupon, Mr. Painter, County
<br />Engineer, explained the cost of a new tank, the cost to r~ze the Warwick Road
<br />tank, and thecost to move the Warwick Road tank to Morris dale. Upon considera-
<br />tion whereof, and on motion of Mr.Goyne, seconded by Mr.Driskill, it is resolved
<br />that the Purchasing Agent be and he hereby is requested to receive bids on a
<br />new tank 100~000 gallons in size, with an alternate of 150~000 gallons-, to be
<br />located in Morrisdale and also to receive bids on the transfer of the existing
<br />Warwick Road tank to the Morrisdsle area.
<br />
<br />On motion of ~4r. Goyne, seconded by Mr.Britton, it is resolved that the Board go
<br />into Committee session.
<br />
<br />Reco n veni ng:
<br />On motion of Mr. Driskill, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, it is resolved that an
<br />Ordinance generally described as follows be introduced and advertised for final
<br />hearinz on November ll, ~958, at 10:OO a.m.:
<br /> An Ordinan~e to ame~ an ordinance adopted December 1, 1957,
<br /> imposing certain license taxes in Chesterfield County, to
<br /> amend Chapter 1 by at, ding new sections to be known as
<br /> Section 5-A and 5-B to provide for license taxes for every
<br /> person owning or operating an amusement park, gmrden or
<br /> building devoted to generalpublic amusement and for ~hose engaged'
<br /> in the cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing of clothese, hats,
<br /> carpets, rugs or other fabric articles; to amend Chapter l,
<br /> Sec%ion 7 by adding a new subsection requiring a permit of every
<br /> person issued a p~rmi% by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control
<br /> Board for the purpose of ~elling alcoholic beverages at a banquet,
<br /> picnic, outing or other social gathering; and to repeal Chap~e'r l,
<br /> Sectioh Ii) fo delete the exemption given a speculative builder
<br /> who has his principal office outside of the County and p~ys a license
<br /> tax in such locality where he has his principal office.
<br /> Th. is day ~r.L.C.Collier came before the Board requesting a variance to~allow
<br /> the construction of a home facing J4anke Road ~o be not more than 35-feet
<br /> from Brown Road, on lots 32 and 33 in the subdivision of Jahnke Farms.
<br /> Whereupon a petition was read signed by ten citizens living in the area
<br /> requesting that the variance be denied because the proposed development
<br /> would generally devalue their property.
<br /> On motion of Mr.Driskill, seconded by Mr. Britton, it is rezolved that the
<br /> requested variance be and it hereby is demied.
<br />
<br />This day Mr. Martin Johnson of Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineering firm,
<br />came before the Board to explain the Appomattox River report. After which
<br />the Board asked numerous questions concerning the proposed project.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.Goyne, seconded by ~r. Hague, it is resolved that this Board
<br />rescind its action on October 14, 1958, relative to the hiring of a doe warden.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Driskill, seconded by ~r. Goyne, it is resolved that the
<br />Purchasing Agent be and he hereby is authorized to accept t~e bid for a
<br />monotube antenna pole for the Police Department radio.
<br />On motion of Mt. Hague, seconded by Mr. Goyne, it is resolved that on the
<br />recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney a payment of $2000.00 be sent to
<br />the Michie City Publications Company for work performed on the codification
<br />of Chesterfield County Ordinances.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.Britton, seconded by Mr. Driskill, it is resolved that this Boar'~
<br />approve an agreement amending a water easement agreement with the Giant Food
<br />Properties, Inc. at the Southside Plaza Shopping Center and authorize the
<br />Chairman and Clerk of this Board to sign said easement.
<br />
<br />
<br />