VIRGINIA: At an adjourned me~i~ of the
<br />Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County
<br />held at the Courthouse on December 22, 1958
<br />at 7:30 p.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />Mr. Irvin G.Horner,Chairman
<br />Mr. ~. T. Goyne
<br />Mt. Stanley R.Hague, Jr.
<br />Mr. R.J.Britton
<br />Mr. H.K.Hagerman
<br />
<br />Absent:
<br />
<br /> Mr. Marshall F.Driskill
<br />
<br />On motion of Mt. Hague, seconded by M~r.Britton, it is resolved that this Board
<br />adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss with the Auditors certain re-
<br />commendations as to procedures fotlow~d by various County officers.
<br />
<br />Reconvenin~:
<br />
<br />The Board discussed with Mr, Douglas Moore, State Civil Defense Coordinator,
<br />Mr. Matthews, Mr, Marston, Mr. Minor Hawley, Assistant Defense Coordinator,
<br />and Mr. Whitehead, reoresentative of the Federal Government, the County's role
<br />of evacuatin~ plans of the area should an emergency be declared.
<br />It was generally ~greed that the County Civil Defense Director and Coordinator
<br />would work up a plan of operation for the County and present it to the Board
<br />at a ~ter date.
<br />
<br />This day Mrs. C.L.Castle comes before the Board seeking a buildinz permit for
<br />a parcel of land on Rt.S17, extended, which road is not in the Secondary System
<br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of Mr. Horner. seconded by Mr. Hagerm~
<br />it is resolved that a buildin~ permit be anproved, subject to the receipt of
<br />a deed approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney for rights of way from the end
<br />of the present State road to the old Brooks home, said right of way being
<br />50 feet wide and deeded to the County of Chesterfield. .
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.HaEue, seconded by Mr. Goyne, it is resolved that tha followi~
<br />erroneous assessments be and they hereby are aoproved for payment:
<br />
<br /> GeorgeH. and Winifred M. Wills, Elkhardt Roa~, Manchester Dist. $9.60
<br /> George R. and Winifred M. Wills, Elkhardt Road, Manchester Dist. 9.60
<br /> (1957 and 1958)
<br /> Israel Shiff 71.0~
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.Goyne, seconded by R~r.Britton, it is resolved that the follow~
<br />amounts be transferred from the unao~.ropriated surplus to the various categori~
<br />and the Treasurer of the County is requested to make said transfers:
<br />
<br />$310,00 to 3a-119
<br /> 1OO.00 to 3a-211
<br /> 150.00 to 3a-319
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Goyne, seconded by Mr. Hague, it is resolved that the Executive
<br />Secretary be authorized to proceed with the improvements to the old Clerk's
<br />Office in order that the SchoolBoard may use said office, provided said Board
<br />approves of this project by resolution.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Goyne, seconded by Mr. Hague, it is resolved that the low bid
<br />from the Lawrence Motor Company for the purchase of one Dodge cab and chassis
<br />for the trash truck in the amount of $3307.85 be and it hereby is accepted,
<br />and the Executive Secretary be and he hereby is authorized to purchase smid
<br />piece of equipment.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr.Britton, it is resolved that this
<br />Board accept the low bid from the Curry Motor Company in Petersburg for the
<br />purchase of One Dodge pick-up truck in the amount of $1560.OO, to be used by
<br />the Ettrick Sanitary District, and One Ford pick-up truck from the McCoy Motor
<br />Company in the amount nfS156&.68, to be used by the County dog warden.
<br />And the Executive Secretary be and he hereby is authorized to purchase said
<br />pieces of equipment.
<br />
<br />On motion of ~r. Britton, seconded by ~r. Hague, it is resolved that the
<br />Treasurer of the County of Chesterfield be and he hereby is authorized to
<br />pay the County employees on December 23, instead of at the end of the month,
<br />during the month of December, 1958.
<br />
<br />On motion of Mr.Britton, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, it is resolved that the
<br />following standard water contracts be and they hereby are approved and the
<br />Chairman and Clerk of this Board are authorized to sign said contracts:
<br />
<br />
<br />