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11-25-1947 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
11-25-1947 Minutes
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Board of Supervisors
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Meeting Date
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VI~(GINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the <br /> Board of Supervisors of Chester- <br /> field Countyh eld at· the Courthouse <br /> on November 25, 1947, at 8:00 p.m, <br /> <br />Present: <br /> <br />H.T.Goyne, Chairman Pro Tem <br />J.G. HeninE <br />W. A. Homer <br />T. D. Watkins <br /> <br />Absent: H. L.Chalkley <br /> P. W.Covington <br /> <br />This day the Executive Secretary stated that the ad.ioun~ed meeting was for the <br />purpose of considering :~tters o£ rezoning and that the first matter was that <br />of an application of John and Bette~y Jefferson for the r ezoning on Warwick Road, <br />at the intersection o£ Rt.685, from Agriculture to Local Business, for the purpose <br />of establishinF~ a local store. The Executive Secretary stated that he had <br />received word from R~. Simeon Atkinson, Attorney, for~'the parties of this application, <br />that it was their desire to withdraw this application~ Upon consideration whereof, <br />and on motion cg W.A.Horner, it is resolved that this request be complied with <br />and the matter of this rezoning be withdrawn. <br /> <br />Secondly, the request of Mr.T.W.Thames for the rezoning of an area on Warwick toad, <br />Rt.644, near the subdivision of "Cavalier Court", and there appeared in favor of <br />this rezoning Mr. Thames, Sr., who stated that'his son was ill and unable to attend <br />the meeting, and had asked him torepresent him, and he hoped that the Board would <br />grant this rezoning. There appeared objectin] to the rezoning approximately <br />forty citizens of Warwick Gardens and that area substantiated by a pet ition <br />containing the names of practically every resident of the area objecting to this <br />rezonin~. Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of W.A.Horner, it is <br />resolved that the application of Mr.Thames for r ezoning of an area on the Warwick <br />Road, Rt.644, be rejected. <br /> <br />This day there ~ppeared before the Bca rd of Supervisors a delegation representing <br />the Volunteer Fire Department #3 of Bensley and presented a resolution to the Board <br />concerning fire equipment. Upon consideration whereof, ~nd on motion of J.G. <br />Hening, it is resolved that the representatives of this fire department be <br />thanked for their efforts and that the resolution be accepted by the Board. <br />And be it further resolved that the Executive Secretary be and he here~y is <br />instructed to deliver to the Bensley Village Fire Dept. #3 the piece of fire <br />equipment now in Roanoke being rebuilt as soon as it is completed. <br /> <br />This day Mm. J. G. Greggs, from "Raleigh Court" appeared before the Board stating <br />he ~presented the majority of the citizens of "Raleigh Court" in a request and <br />petition presented to the Board from the residents of this area requesting that <br />something be done to correct the condition now existing cause~ by the septic tanks <br />of this area and tomake such study as necessary to determine ~hat the possibility <br />might be for the installation of a sewer within the area. <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of W.A.Horner, it is resolved that the <br />Executive Secretary be and he hereby is instructed to work with t he citizens of this <br />area and that developers of "Raleigh Court" and engineers of the State Health <br />Department tosee what recommendations can be made. <br /> <br />This day i~. A.M.Toler, appeared before the Bca rd and presented the findings of <br />his company concerning the utilities dg~arNment of Chesterfield County and stated <br />that it would be ~gcessary to continue his study to develop completely the <br />organization that would be necessary and stated he had conferred with the State <br />Auditors and that Mr. Johnson representing the State Auditor's office was present <br />tomake recommendations from that office. Whereupon, Mr. Chris Johnson stated <br />that it was not thepolicy of theState Auditor to add any more burdens than necessary <br />to the Utilities Department of Chesterfield County, and presented a letter from ~ <br />the State Auditor outlining ahe method and procedure that would be approved by <br />the State Auditor's Office. Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of <br />T. D. Watkins, it is resolved that the letter from theState Auditor setting out the <br />organization of a utilities department in Chesterfield County be and it here~y is <br />approved and adopted as the basis upon which to establish this department. <br />Add be it further resolved that the Committee previously appointed by this Board <br />be instructed to install the system and secure suitable and necessary help to operate <br />the same. <br /> <br /> <br />
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