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VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the <br /> Board of Supervisors of Chester- <br /> field County, held at the ~ <br /> Courthouse on December 30, 1947, <br /> at 8:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Present: <br /> <br />H. L. Chalkley, Chairman <br />J. G. Hening <br />H. T.Goyne <br />W.A. Morner <br />T. D. Watkins <br />P. W. Covington <br /> <br />This d ay again the matter of the nomination of a suitable person for Chief of <br />Police as is provided by Chapter 21 of the Acts of the 1944, came before the <br />Board. Whereupon the Chairman asked £~ there were any nominations: <br />Whereupon ~r. P. W. Covington placed the name of Douglas W. Murphey i~nomination <br />which nomination was seconded by H.T.Goyne. Mr. T. D. Watkins placed in <br />nomination the name of Robert C. Gaunce which latter nomination was seconded by <br />J.G.Hening. There being no further nominations the Chairman asked for a vote <br />on the nomination of Robert C. Ga~uuce which nomination was voted by a majority <br />of the members of the Board voting, those voting being all the members of the Board. <br />Whereupon, Mr.H.T.Goyne moved that the nomination of ~4r.Robert C. Gaunce be <br />unanimous, which motion was seconded by Mr.P.W.Covington and carried by a <br />unanimous vote. <br />And be it further resolved that the Executive Secretary be and he hereby is <br />directed to transmit the action of this Board to the Judge of Circuit Court for <br />such action as may be proper as provided under Chapter 21 of the Acts of 1944. <br /> <br />This being the day and time set for action on certain rezoning cases which had <br />been properly advertised, the following cases came up for action: <br /> <br />(1} In Bermuda District on Rt. 608, near the intersection of Rt.608 and the <br />Hopewell Division of the Seaboard Airline RR., t he area .known a s the Foste~ tract, <br />consisting of approxi~ately 127 acres. This application is ~de by the <br />Reynolds Metals Company and is for rezoning from Agriculture to Manufacturing. <br />There appearing no one in opposition to this rezoning, it is resolved on motion <br />of H.T.Goyne, that the application be granted. <br /> <br />(2) In Manchester District as follows: Bounded by Rt. 161, Belt Boulevard, <br />Rt. 60 Midlothian Turnpike, ~he Atlantic Coast Line RR., City Line and the <br />Northrop Farm. This application is ~ade by W. P.Leonard and is for rezoning <br />from AEriculture to General Business. There appearing no one in opposition <br />to this rezoning, it is resolved on motion of W.A.Horner, that the application <br />be g ranted. <br /> <br />This day the Executive Secretary stated that he had received from the City of <br />Richmond a copy of an Ordinance passed by the City on Subdivision Control which <br />affected a five-mile area outside of the City of Richmond in Chesterfield County, <br />stating that it was the same Ordinance ~hich had previously been presented to <br />the Board for consideration with very few changes. Upon consideration whereof, <br />and on motion of W.A.Horner, it is resolved that the Commonwealth's Attorney and <br />the Executive Secretary be and they hereby are instructee to confer with officials <br />of Henrico County and the City of Richmond and endeavor to smooth ant auy <br />difficulties that might be in this Ordinance and present same to the Board at its <br />next meeting. <br /> <br />This day the Executive Secretary reported that in accordance with instructions <br />from the Board he had examined the accounts of the lime spreading project as <br />operated through the Farm Agent's Office and as far as he could ascertain there <br />were no irregularities in the accounts and there appeared to be sufficient funds <br />in the accounts to reimburse the County for money which had been spent, and stated <br />that Mr.P.Rixey Jones, County Farm Agent, had indicated that if the County wishSd <br />to be relieved of this project, he would be glad to purchase the equipment owned <br />by the County for the balance due on the same, placing same in the name of his <br />son, George Jones, and proceed to contract with the Agricultural Committee for <br />the distribution of lime within Chesterfield County. Upon consideration whereof <br />and on motion of W.A.Horner, it is resolved that the Board of Supervisors transfe~ <br />to George Jones all rights and title to such equipment as the County has purchased <br />for the lime project, upon payment to the County of the amount still due the <br />County on this equipment. And be it further resolved that the Executive <br />Secretary be and he hereby is authorized to execute such bills of sale and title <br />as are necessary for this transaction. <br /> <br /> <br />