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Watkins, it is resolved that this request be referred to the Planning Committee. <br /> <br />This day N~. W. A. Rorner, called the attention of the Board to a letter he had <br />received from Miss Helen Ricks, stting that in order to secure a suitable Home <br />Demonstration Agent for Chesterfield County to replace Miss ~ancy Tyree who <br />recently resigned, it appeared to be necessary to increawe the salary and that if <br />the Board would grant an increase in the salary of the Home Demonstration Agent <br />the Extension Division wc~ld take oMer~ all stenographic and clerical work and thus <br />relieve the Boara of Supervisors of an appropriation now being made for clerical <br />help to the home Demonstration Agent. <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of W. A. Horner, it is resolved that <br />Miss Ricks be informed that the Board is willing to cooperate with her to a <br />teas onable extent. <br /> <br />And be it further resolved that since the position would carry a larger salary <br />thaZ Miss Nancy Tyree be informed of the fact and invited to re-accept the positio'. <br />from which she resigned recently. <br /> <br />Ordered that the meeting be now adjourned until March 13, 1945, at 10:00 o'clock <br />A.M. <br /> <br />El~ut ive -Sec reta ry <br /> <br /> <br />