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This ~ay ~r. Goyne presmnted an application from Mr.J.C.Morrts of Hopewell, <br />Vfr~inia, to sstablish a ~ter system in hivermont Subdivision, adjacent to Enon <br />School in Bermuda District. Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of <br />H.T.Goyne, it is resolved that the E~ecutive Secretary ~e and he hsreby is <br />instructed to compile pertinent information on same and make a report at the <br />regular meeting., of the Board on November 13, 1945. <br /> <br />This day the Executive Secretary stated that this adjourned meeting of the Board <br />of Supervisors was held for the special purpose of considering a Zoning Ordinance <br />for Cheoterfield County, which hsd been restudied, properly advertised 'according <br />to law, and was no~ ready to be considered by the Board. Whereupon the <br />Chairman requested that if there wes anyone present who had any objections to <br />offer to the proposed ~.oning Ordinance for ~hesterfield County that they be heard <br />at this time. <br />There being present approximately fifty citizens of ~hezterfie~d County, a number <br />of whom stated that they could not support the ordinance because they had not made <br />a sufficient study to properly inform them of the e~act range of the restrictions <br />of the properties within the County, and although a large number of those present <br />stated that they felt the ordinance had been properly advertised and urged the <br />Board of Supervisors to pass it at this time, it wa~ felt that probably it would <br />be better to postpone any action on the ~oning Ordinance to a later date. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on ~otion of ?.~.Covington, it is resolved that <br />action on the proposed ~oning Ordinance for Chesterfield County be postponed <br />until t~e regular meeting on December ll, 194~. Upon which M r. ToD.Watkins <br />voted "No" and asked that his vote be so recorded. <br /> <br />1945. <br /> <br />Ordered that the meeting be now adjournea until 10:00 a.m. November 13, <br /> <br />E~'~cut~tary <br /> <br />Chairma~ · <br /> <br /> <br />