<br />VIRGINIA: At a meeting of the Board of Superviso s
<br />of Chesterfie Id County. held at the COllr -
<br />house on April 1. 1947, at 10:00 a.m.
<br />
<br />Present:
<br />
<br />H.L. Chalkiey. Chairman
<br />J.G. Hening
<br />H. T. Goyne
<br />W.A. Horner
<br />T.D. Watkins
<br />
<br />Absent: P.W. Covington
<br />
<br />This being the day and time advertised for the hearing of certain rezoning cases by
<br />the Board of Supervi so rs, they ware consi dared as fo llows:
<br />
<br />(1) In Mancmster Magisterial District on Rt. 60, Midlothian Pike, approximatel
<br />500 feet west of the interseotion of Rt. 60 and Rt. 684, a distance of 300 feet alo
<br />Rt. 60 with a depth ot 200 feet, whioh application was made by Mr. Tony Zervas and
<br />was tor rezoning trom Agriculture to General Business. There appeared no oppositlo
<br />to the same. and upon consideration whereOf. and on motion of W.A. Ho1'l18r, it 1s
<br />resolved that the application tor rezoning ot this ar_a be granted. .
<br />
<br />(2) In Manchester Magisterial District on Rt. 60, adjacent to the City Limits
<br />of Richmond and bounded by the Atlantic Coast Line Ry., State Route 1161. Belt Boule
<br />vard, Route #60 Midlothian Pike, and the Northrop Farm. This application was made
<br />by Mr. W.P. Leonard for rezoning trom Agriculture to General Business. There
<br />appeared in opposition to this rezoning a number of residents ot this area and after.
<br />much discussion, it was requested by Mr. Leonard, through his Attorney Mr. Norman
<br />Bowen, that this application be withdrawn. Upon consideration whereof, and on
<br />motion of vi.A. HOrIe r, it is resolved that this application be withdrawn.
<br />
<br />(3) In Manchester Magisterial District on Rt. 60, approximately 1/2 mile west
<br />of tm City Limits, adjacent to the property now occupied by the holl1ns t Garage,
<br />a distance ot 126 feet along Rt. 60, with a depth ot 126 feet. This application
<br />was made by Abraham :l!isher.for rezoning from Agriculture to General Business.
<br />There appeared no opposition to the same, and on motion of' If .A.Horner, it is resolve
<br />the. t this application be granted and that section be zoned for General Business.
<br />
<br />(4) In Manchester Magisterial ~istrictt adjacent to the subdivision known as
<br />"Chesterfield Court" , that section of land at the northeast intersection ot the
<br />~arwick Road, Rt. 647, and the Dorsey Road Rt. 1650, a distance ot 300 teet along
<br />Rt.647 and 200 teet along Rt. 1650. \'i'1ioh application was made by Mr. C.D. Pease tor
<br />rezoning from Agrioulture to General Business, and there appeared certain citizens
<br />ot that area objeotion to the same. Upon oonsideration whereot, and on motion of
<br />\I~A. Horner, it is resolved that this application be denied.
<br />
<br />(5) In Manchester Hagisterial District. in the Subdivision of "Pinehurst", west
<br />of the intersection of Rt. 60 and lit. 644, on Lot 2, Block 2, whioh.application was
<br />made by Silas York for rezoning tram Agriculture to General Business. Upon
<br />consideration whereof, and on motion ot W.A. Horner, it is resolved that this appli-
<br />cation be and it hereby is denied.
<br />
<br />(6) In Dale Magisterial District, along Rt. 1601, adjacent to the property of
<br />the Bellewood Depot, west of the Atlantice Coast Line RR., a distance ot 200 teet
<br />along Rt. 1601 and a depth ot 400 teet. This application was made by Mr. Chas.
<br />I;. Abbott and was for rezoning from Agriculture to General Business. There appear
<br />ed no opposition to the same and on motion otJ.G. Hening, it is resolved that this
<br />application for re~onlng be granted.
<br />
<br />(7) In Dale Magisterial District, Rt. 145, Lot 49 in "Centralla Gardens", This
<br />application was made by Mr. Jos. T. Moore for rezoning from Agriculture to General
<br />business. Atter considerable discussion it being felt that General Business would
<br />be an uhfair olassification in a Residential area, but that Local Business would nQt
<br />it Is resolved on motion ot J.G. Hening. that this applioation for rezoning from
<br />Residential to General Business be denied.
<br />
<br />This day Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Ferebee made application tor a Use Permit to operate a
<br />local business in an area on the southside ot Rt. 60. west ot its intersection with
<br />Rt. 147, substantiating their application be a petition signed by the residents ot
<br />that area supporting such application~ Upon consideration whereot, and on motio
<br />of T.D. Watkins, it is resolved that this application for a Use Permit be received
<br />and held over until the next meeting of the Board on April 8, 1947.
<br />
<br />This day Mr. John Hamilton. Engineer, appeared before the Board explaining in detail
<br />the possibilities of additi&nal revenues from increased assessments on public utilit
<br />properties in Chesterfield County, stating he had made several successful surveys in
<br />other States and was sure that Qonsiderable revenue could be had for Chesterfield
<br />County. Upon consideration whereot, and on motion of H.T. Goyne, it is re-
<br />solved that the matter be continued betore the Board for consideration.
<br />
<br />The Executive Secretary read a letter from }!r. J.E. Norvell, advising the
<br />the difficulty experienoed in reaching Chesterfield Courthouse offices by
<br />urging tha~ a. dditional telephone service be supplied between Chesterfield
<br />and Richmo~ Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of T.D. Watkins,
<br />solved that this letter be received and filed.
<br />
<br />Board of
<br />telephone,
<br />Courthouse
<br />it 1s re-
<br />