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08-26-1947 Minutes
Agenda, Packets, Minutes
08-26-1947 Minutes
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Board of Supervisors
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Meeting Date
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<br />VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the <br />Board of Supervisors of <br />Chesterfield County, held at the <br />Courthouse on August 26, 1947, at <br />8:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Present: <br /> <br />H.T.Goyne, Dhairman, Pro Tem <br />T.D.Watkins <br />W.A.Horner <br />P. W. Covington <br /> <br />Absent: <br />H. L. Chalkley <br />J.G.Hening <br /> <br />The Executive Secretary stated that the adjourned meeting was called for the <br />purpose of hearing proponents and opponents of an application made by Mrs. C. B. <br />Goodwyn for a permit to establish a Nursing Home on theCherokee Road, Rt.704, <br />in Midlothian District. Whereupon, Dr. W. M. Massie stated he represented <br />the Southampton Civic Association and that this organization had gone on recore <br />objecting to the establishment of a Nursing Home at this location because it <br />would be the entering wedge of the establishing of business within the area and <br />that they had requested this area be zoned for Residential purposes and did not <br />want any relaxation of Zoning restridtions. <br /> <br />Whereupon, Mr. Davis Meade White called on the various people attending the <br />meeting who objected to the granting of this permit and all were of the same <br />opinion that it would be detrimental to that area and tend to decrease the real <br />estate values and make it a less desirable place in which to live. <br />Among those against the issuance of this permit were - Mr. and Mrs. T.J.Nichols, <br />Mr. and Mrs. Watson and Mr. Bates. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of W.A.Horner, seconded by P.W.Covington <br />it is resolved that because of the class of residence in this area and because <br />of the exclusion of all commercial enterprises, that this permit be denied'. . <br /> <br />The natter of the time of discontinuance of the operation of the Nursing Home <br />by Mrs. C.B.Goodwyn on Cherokee Road was considered by the Board, and on motion <br />of T.D.Watkins, it is resolved that Mrs. Goodwyn be directed to close the home <br />on Cherokee Road on or before October 1, 1947. <br /> <br />This day Miss Lucy Corr, Supt. of Local Welfare, came before t he Board stating <br />that apparently the State had not recognized the need for welfare assistance in <br />the County and had not matched the amount of money appropriated by Chesterfield <br />County as had been anticipated in the budget, and that the Mitchell Commission <br />making a study of the Welfare needs in the State of Virginia was meeting in <br />Richmond on September 5, 1947, and suggested that some expression might be made <br />by this Board as to the desirability of greater appropriations for welfare needs b <br />the County. <br /> <br />Upon consideration whereofl and on motion of P.W.Covington, it is resolved that <br />the Board of Superv1aors or Chesterfield County go on record favoring an increase <br />in the appropriation by the State of Virginia to the Local Welfare Department <br />in order that a better standard of living might be developed amomg citizens <br />of the State. <br /> <br />This day Mr. James H. Brockwell of the Ettrick Fire Department, stated that <br />according to the reoord. of the Ettrick Fire Department that it was answering <br />more calls in the rural areas of Matoaca District than the Colonial Heights <br />Fire Department and that f~om the records he had learned that Colonial Hegghts <br />Fire Department was receiving $600.00 per year and the Ettrick Fire Department <br />only $200.00, and stated he felt that this was an unfair division and believed <br />it should be equalized. <br />Upon consideration whereof, and on motion of P.W.Covington, it is resolved that <br />the Ettrick Fire Department be paid from the General Fund of the County the sum <br />of $600.00 per year, effective July 1, 1947, for their services in answering <br />calls outside of the Ettrick Sanitary D~trict in Chesterfield County. <br /> <br />And be it further resolved that the sum of $400.00 be and it hereby is appropriat d <br />from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to the Ettrick Sanitary <br />District Operating Fund - 7 - 115. <br />
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