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I <br />~• <br />VI.:GIi~3It~: At a regular meeting of the <br />Hoard of Supervisors of Chestc:rficld <br />County, held at the Courthouse on <br />July 15, 1968 at 7:00 P.Ni. <br />Pres`nt: <br />~~ <br />1~_r. Irvin G. Horner, Chairman °~r. L~~e R. Gordon, Comm. :attorney <br />l~i.r. H. 0. Browning, Vice-Chr. iir. T~~orris T~~ason, Fsst. Comc,,.Atty. <br />Pr. F. F, Dietsch Nir. Hoi~Jard A, •`.ayo,Jr. Co:Planner <br />Tir. J. Ruffin hpperson t~tr. T;aynard L1rod,~.sst.Co.Eng. <br />Pir. .i. Tt. Piartin r~~r. 1`i. ~~~. Durnett,i:;xec. Secy. <br />I°ir. C. J. Purdy T•~lr. John i/.Longmire, ~sst.Excc. <br /> Secy. <br />~g<~in the rnattcr of desi,+n criteria of Rt. 147 yeas discussed. It <br />was pointed out th~a the lack of riht of way could prevent th <br />Hihaiay Department frorn constructing this road with a 24' raised <br />median and extra side slopes as rer~uested. <br />It era.-, generally agreed that further action would be taken after <br />discussing the rnattcr ~rrith the Hi:hway Department and the Richrnond <br />Regional Planning Commission. <br />T_r. Irvin Horner, Chairman of the ~~oard, states th~•.t he will not <br />vote on the Ordinance to bc- discussed becaus•~ he owns or is interested <br />in two establishrnents which miht be affected. <br />r;r. Conrad Dareford comas Y~efort: the ;oard e,cplaining the necessity <br />for an ordinUnc:~ change to lengthen th~_ hours for the sal` of beer <br />and. wine for the 108 license:>s in the County of Chesterfield. <br />He states th~a these. store owners now lose aaout 20`ia of the tirne <br />for the spa c of beer and wine, tha the County is losing revenue, <br />that this is a matter of convenience to the general public of the <br />County, thr.t the storms owners should ba treats-d the same as store <br />-~ owners in adjacent localities, that beer is now sold and drill <br />continue to be sold and that the passage of this ordinance will not <br />affect the sale of beer to a great eaent, that the stores not only <br />lose beer sales but other sales also which is unfair competition <br />that it is alleged that people buy beer in Richmond and throw tl~,e <br />c.::ns on the roads in Chestcrf field coming home, and pleads with 'the <br />r3oard to pass the proposed ordin:~nce which has been advertised for <br />- public hearing on this date. <br />i~ir.Raymond Robero~~rski states that he has lived in three different <br />States and as a private citizen the present beer laws make it <br />expensive for the Cc.~unty citizen. <br />,~, <br />